- helix-loop-helix
- helix-loop-helix.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Helix-loop-helix-Transkriptionsfaktoren — sind ein Strukturmotiv DNA bindender Proteine, das aus einer kurzen α Helix besteht, die durch eine flexible Schleife (engl. loop) mit einer zweiten längeren Helix verknüpft ist. Dieses HLH Motiv unterscheidet sich vom Helix Turn Helix Motiv.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Helix-turn-helix — In proteins, the helix turn helix (HTH) is a major structural motif capable of binding DNA. It is composed of two α helices joined by a short strand of amino acids and is found in many proteins that regulate gene expression. It should not to be… … Wikipedia
helix-loop-helix — A motif associated with transcription factors, allowing them to recognize and bind to specific DNA sequences. Two alpha helices are separated by a loop. Examples: myoblast MyoD 1, c myc, Drosophila genes daughterless, hairy, twist, scute, achaete … Dictionary of molecular biology
helix-turn-helix — A motif associated with transcription factors, allowing them to bind to and recognize specific DNA sequences. Two amphipathic alpha helices are separated by a short sequence with a beta pleated sheet. One helix lies across the major groove of the … Dictionary of molecular biology
loop — 1. noun a loop of rope Syn: coil, hoop, ring, circle, noose, oval, spiral, curl, bend, curve, arc, twirl, whorl, twist, hook, helix, convolution 2. verb 1) Dave l … Thesaurus of popular words
loop — 1. noun a loop of rope Syn: coil, ring, circle, noose, spiral, curl, bend, curve, arc, twirl, whorl, twist, helix 2. verb 1) Dave looped rope around their hands Syn … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
helix — n spiral, screw, thread, corkscrew, whorl, twist, volute; coil, loop, ring, circumvolution; curl, curlicue, ringlet, tendril … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
loop — n 1. noose, bow, circle, ring, hoop; spiral, helix, convolution, whorl, coil, curl, twirl; arc, arch, curve, bend. v 2. roK furl, coil, wind; spiral, twirl, curl, curlicue, twist, kink; arc, arch, curve, bend, round, turn. 3. circle, encircle,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Basic-helix-loop-helix — A basic helix loop helix (bHLH) is a protein structural motif that characterizes a family of transcription factors. Structure The motif is characterized by two α helices connected by a loop. In general, transcription factors including this domain … Wikipedia
Stem-loop — intramolecular base pairing is a pattern that can occur in single stranded DNA or, more commonly, in RNA. The structure is also known as a hairpin or hairpin loop. It occurs when two regions of the same molecule, usually palindromic (reads the… … Wikipedia