- Unemployment Rate
- Unemployment Rate
- Unemployment Rate - Уровень безработицы – рассчитается один раз в месяц, при увеличении показателя национальная валюта дешевеет.
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unemployment rate — Unemployment Un em*ploy ment, n. Quality or state of being not employed; used esp. in economics, of the condition of various social classes when temporarily thrown out of employment, as those engaged for short periods, those whose trade is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unemployment rate — The percentage of the people classified as unemployed as compared to the total labor force. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * unemployment rate UK US noun [C] ECONOMICS ► the number or percentage of people in a country or area who do not have… … Financial and business terms
Unemployment Rate — The percentage of the total labor force that is unemployed but actively seeking employment and willing to work. From 1948 to 2004, the monthly U.S. unemployment rate has ranged between about 2.5% to 10.8%, averaging approximately 5.6%. The… … Investment dictionary
unemployment rate — /ˌʌnɪm plɔɪmənt reɪt/ noun the number of people out of work, shown as a percentage of the total number of people available for work. Also called rate of unemployment … Dictionary of banking and finance
unemployment rate — estimate of unemployment, percentages of unemployment, percent of unemployed persons from within the general population … English contemporary dictionary
UNEMPLOYMENT RATE — (уровень безработицы) процент безработных, непрерывно ищущих работу, от общего количества гражданской рабочей силы; … Глоссарий финансовых и биржевых терминов
unemployment rate — noun the percentage of the work force that is unemployed at any given date • Hypernyms: ↑percentage, ↑percent, ↑per centum, ↑pct … Useful english dictionary
List of U.S. states by unemployment rate — Below is a comparison of the unemployment rates by state, sortable by name or unemployment rate. Data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Geographic Profile of Employment and Unemployment. [ [http://www.bls.gov/gps/home.htm Geographic… … Wikipedia
List of countries by unemployment rate — This is a list of countries by unemployment rate. Unless indicated otherwise, information is based on The World Factbook [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the world factbook/rankorder/2129rank.html] . Several non sovereign entities are… … Wikipedia
Unemployment benefits — are payments made by governments to unemployed people. It may be based on a compulsory para governmental insurance system. Depending on the jurisdiction and the status of the person, those sums may be meager, covering only basic needs (thus a… … Wikipedia