I сокр. от main engine controller
блок управления основного двигателяII сокр. от
mobile elevating conveyorпередвижной конвейер с переменным углом наклона
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
mec — mec … Dictionnaire des rimes
mec — [ mɛk ] n. m. • mecque « roi » 1821 ; o. i. 1 ♦ Arg. Homme énergique, viril. Un mec à la redresse. ⇒ dur. Un vrai mec. ⇒ mâle. 2 ♦ (v. 1850) Fam. Homme, individu quelconque. ⇒ gus, type. « C est l histoire d un mec... Vous la connaissez ? Non ? … Encyclopédie Universelle
Mec — Mec·cano; mec·o·nid·i·um; mec·o·nin; mec·o·nop·sis; mer·a·mec; my·o·mec·to·my; pneu·mec·to·my; thy·mec·to·my; iver·mec·tin; mec·a·myl·amine; mec·li·zine; thy·mec·to·mize; hu·mec·tant; mec·ca; mec·can; ol·mec; … English syllables
MEC — can refer to: Businesses Mountain Equipment Co op, a Canadian outdoors gear clothing store Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, a Japanese Mitsubishi Group core company Morgan Electro Ceramics, a ceramics manufacturing company Mongolia Energy… … Wikipedia
Mec 16 SB — Maker Feinwerke Technik Gmbh Type subminiature camera Image sensor size 16 mm Recording medium Film Lens mount Rodenstock Heligon 1:2/22mm Exposure built in … Wikipedia
meč — mȅč m <N mn mèčevi> DEFINICIJA sport izravan susret dvaju suparnika ili dviju momčadi [boksački meč]; borba, utakmica SINTAGMA meč lopta (engl. match ball) sport rezultat u tenisu, odbojci i sl. kod kojeg jedna strana mora dobiti samo bod… … Hrvatski jezični portal
MEC — (pronunciamos mec ) sustantivo masculino 1. Sigla de Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia , España … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
mec|ca — or mec|ca «MEHK uh», noun. 1. a place that many people visit: »[The] Duquesne Club, lunchtime Mecca for some of the nation s top businessmen... (Wall Street Journal). 2. Figurative. a place that a person longs to visit. 3. Figurative. the goal of … Useful english dictionary
Mec|ca — or mec|ca «MEHK uh», noun. 1. a place that many people visit: »[The] Duquesne Club, lunchtime Mecca for some of the nation s top businessmen... (Wall Street Journal). 2. Figurative. a place that a person longs to visit. 3. Figurative. the goal of … Useful english dictionary
MEC — ist die Abkürzung für: Maine Central Railroad Magna Entertainment Corporation Manta Air Base, IATA Code des Flughafens in Ecuador Member of the Executive Council in Südafrika, ähnlich dem Ministeramt in Deutschland D … Deutsch Wikipedia
mec — Mot Monosíl·lab Nom masculí … Diccionari Català-Català