Смотреть что такое "MEBO" в других словарях:
MeBo — Die MeBo – seltener auch Mebo oder MEBO – ist eine 31,7 Kilometer lange italienische Schnellstraße (it. Superstrada), sie führt von Meran (it. Merano) nach Bozen (it. Bolzano) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mebo Telecommunications — AG (formed in 1969 and registered in Zürich on 24 March 1971) is owned by Swiss businessmen Erwin Meister and Edwin Bollier.[1] Contents 1 Radio Nordsee International – the Mebo I and II 2 Lockerbie trial … Wikipedia
MEBO — Main Engine BurnOut NASA … Acronyms
MEBO — Main Engine BurnOut ( > NASA Acronym List ) … Acronyms von A bis Z
MV Mebo II — Mebo II The Mebo II was originally the Dutch freighter, Silvretta, built in 1948 by De Groot en van Vliet, Slikkerveer. It had a weight of 630 tons and a length of 186 feet. In 1969, it was bought by Edwin Bollier and Erwin Meister, renamed and… … Wikipedia
Holiday home Flekkerøy Mebø — (Mebø,Норвегия) Категория отеля: Адрес: 4625 Mebø, Норвегия … Каталог отелей
Management And Employee Buyout - MEBO — A restructuring initiative that involves both managerial and non managerial employees buying out a firm in order to concentrate ownership into a small group from a widely dispersed group of shareholders. MEBOs are generally used to privatize a… … Investment dictionary
amoebobacter — əˈmēbōˌbaktə(r) noun Etymology: New Latin, from Amoeba + o + bacter 1. capitalized : a genus of purple sulfur bacteria (family Thiorhodaceae) having spherical or elongated cells that are aggregated in amoeboid colonies without an enclosing… … Useful english dictionary
amoebogeniae — əˌmēbōˈjēnēˌē Etymology: New Latin, from Amoeba + o + gen + iae (plural of ia) synonym of neosporidia … Useful english dictionary
amoebotaenia — əˌmēbōˈtēnēə noun Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from amoeba + o + Taenia : a genus of tapeworms (family Dilepididae) parasitic in the intestines of poultry … Useful english dictionary
Radio North Sea International — Radio Nordsee International (RNI) also known as Radio North Sea International in English and Radio Noordzee International in Dutch, was a European offshore pirate radio station, run by the Swiss firm Mebo Telecommunications, jointly owned by… … Wikipedia