- incident power
мощность падающего луча или пучка; мощность падающей волны
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
incident power — krintančioji galia statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Elektromagnetinės ar akustinės bangos, krintančios į tam tikrą objektą, galia. atitikmenys: angl. incident power vok. einfallende Leistung, f rus. падающая мощность, f … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
incident power — krintančioji galia statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. incident power vok. einfallende Leistung, f rus. падающая мощность, f pranc. puissance incidente, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Power therapies — (also known as alphabet therapies) is a term coined by professor Charles Figley, Florida State University Traumatology Institute, to group several novel treatments of post traumatic stress. Figley aimed identify the active ingredients of these… … Wikipedia
incident — incident, incidental adjectives. Incident has been almost entirely replaced as an adjective by incidental, so that a sentence such as Those in the highest station have their incident cares and troubles now sounds decidedly dated. This freeing of… … Modern English usage
Power Rangers (Mighty Morph'n) — Power Rangers (Mighty Morphin) Mighty Morph n Power Rangers Titre original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Autres titres francophones Power Rangers Genre Action, fantastique, Sentai Créateur(s) Haim Saban Production Saban Entertainment Pays… … Wikipédia en Français
Power Rangers (serie televisee) — Power Rangers (Mighty Morphin) Mighty Morph n Power Rangers Titre original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Autres titres francophones Power Rangers Genre Action, fantastique, Sentai Créateur(s) Haim Saban Production Saban Entertainment Pays… … Wikipédia en Français
Power Rangers (série télévisée) — Power Rangers (Mighty Morphin) Mighty Morph n Power Rangers Titre original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Autres titres francophones Power Rangers Genre Action, fantastique, Sentai Créateur(s) Haim Saban Production Saban Entertainment Pays… … Wikipédia en Français
Power rangers (série télévisée) — Power Rangers (Mighty Morphin) Mighty Morph n Power Rangers Titre original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Autres titres francophones Power Rangers Genre Action, fantastique, Sentai Créateur(s) Haim Saban Production Saban Entertainment Pays… … Wikipédia en Français
Incident at Gaoping Tombs — The Incident at Gaoping Tombs in 249 was a coup d etat initiated by Sima Yi against the rival faction led by Cao Shuang in the court of Cao Wei during the Three Kingdoms period of China. The incident gave rise to the Sima family s power, and… … Wikipedia
Incident (Scientology) — L. Ron Hubbard used the term Incident in a specific context for auditing in Scientology and Dianetics: the description of space opera events in our Universe s distant past, involving alien interventions in our past lives. It is a basic belief of… … Wikipedia
Incident Response Team — An Incident Response Team is a group of people who prepare for and respond to any emergency incident, such as a natural disaster or an interruption of business operations. Incident response teams are common in corporations as well as in public… … Wikipedia