- gas plenum
1) газовый объем тепловыделяющего элемента2) газосборник тепловыделяющего элемента
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Plenum — may refer to:* Plenum chamber, a chamber intended to contain air, gas, or liquid at positive pressure * Plenism, or Horror vacui ( nature abhors a vacuum ) * Plenum, a meeting of a deliberative assembly in which all members are present; contrast… … Wikipedia
Plenum — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Los plenums son presiones ligeramente superiores a la atmosférica, generalmente en el interior de sistemas de aire o gas, como resultado de la acción de un ventilador o soplador. El pleno se mide en pequeñas unidades … Wikipedia Español
plenum — [plē′nəm, plen′əm] n. pl. plenums or plena [plē′nə] [ModL < L, neut. of plenus, FULL1] 1. space filled with matter: opposed to VACUUM 2. fullness 3. a full or general assembly, as of all members of a legislative body … English World dictionary
Plenum chamber — A plenum chamber is a pressurised housing containing a gas or fluid (typically air) at positive pressure (pressure higher than surroundings). One function of the plenum can be to equalise pressure for more even distribution, because of irregular… … Wikipedia
plenum — ple•num [[t]ˈpli nəm, ˈplɛn əm[/t]] n. pl. ple•nums, ple•na [[t]ˈpli nə, ˈplɛn ə[/t]] 1) phs a) the space in which a gas, usu. air, is contained at a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure b) the gas in such a state 2) gov a full assembly, as … From formal English to slang
plenum — /plee neuhm, plen euhm/, n., pl. plenums, plena /plee neuh, plen euh/. 1. the state or a space in which a gas, usually air, is contained at a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure. 2. a full assembly, as a joint legislative assembly. 3. a… … Universalium
plenum — [1] A chamber, located between the throttle body and the runners of an intake manifold, used to distribute the intake charge evenly and to enhance engine breathing. [2] An enclosure containing air or gas at a higher pressure than exists outside.… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Plenum — Los plenums son presiones ligeramente superiores a la atmosférica, generalmente en el interior de sistemas de aire o gas, como resultado de la acción de un ventilador o soplador. El pleno se mide en pequñas unidades de presión … Enciclopedia Universal
plenum — /ˈplinəm/ (say pleenuhm) noun (plural plenums or plena /ˈplinə/ (say pleenuh)) 1. a container of air, or other gas, under greater than the surrounding pressure. 2. the whole of space regarded as being filled with matter. 3. a full assembly, as a… …
plenum chamber — [1] A large cast alloy body in an induction system which connects the throttle body or inlet tube to the cylinder head(s) or inlet manifold. [2] The air compartment in a car body formed between the scuttle and the bulkhead, providing a basis for… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Теория Томаса — Теория Томаса Ферми (модель Томаса Ферми) является квантовомеханической теорией электронной структуры системы многих тел, разработана с использованием квазиклассического приближения вскоре после открытия уравнения Шредингера Энрико… … Википедия