- control of measuring instruments
надзор за средствами измерений
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
legal control of measuring instruments — teisinė matavimo priemonių kontrolė statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Visapusiškas teisiškai pagrįstas matavimo priemonių tikrinimas, pvz., tipo patvirtinimas, patikra ir kt. atitikmenys: angl. legal control of measuring … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
Nova Measuring Instruments — Ltd. Type Public Traded as NASDAQ: NVMI TASE: NVMI … Wikipedia
contrôle légal des instruments de mesure — teisinė matavimo priemonių kontrolė statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Visapusiškas teisiškai pagrįstas matavimo priemonių tikrinimas, pvz., tipo patvirtinimas, patikra ir kt. atitikmenys: angl. legal control of measuring … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
Instruments de bord — Instrument de bord (aéronautique) Les instruments de bord servent à présenter au pilote toutes les informations qui lui sont utiles au maintien en vol de son avion, à sa navigation, à ses communications avec les infrastructures de la gestion du… … Wikipédia en Français
Instruments de vol — Instrument de bord (aéronautique) Les instruments de bord servent à présenter au pilote toutes les informations qui lui sont utiles au maintien en vol de son avion, à sa navigation, à ses communications avec les infrastructures de la gestion du… … Wikipédia en Français
List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 2006 — This is an incomplete list of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom in 2006. NOTOC 1 100* Public Contracts Regulations 2006 S.I. 2006/5 * Utilities Contracts Regulations 2006 S.I. 2006/6 * M6 Motorway (Junction 36, Town Head Bridge Parapet… … Wikipedia
List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 1988 — NOTOC This is a complete list of all 1558 Statutory Instruments published in the United Kingdom in the year 1988.1 100* Origin of Goods (Petroleum Products) Regulations 1988 S.I. 1988/1 * Export of Sheep (Prohibition) (No.2) Amendment Order 1988… … Wikipedia
List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 1995 — This is a complete list of all 1,872 Statutory Instruments published in the United Kingdom in the year 1995. NOTOC 1 100* National Health Service (Optical Charges and Payments) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 1995 S.I. 1995/1 * Plymouth… … Wikipedia
List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 1996 — This is a complete list of all 2071 Statutory Instruments published in the United Kingdom in the year 1996. NOTOC 1 100* Insurance Companies (Pension Business)(Transitional Provisions) (Amendment) Regulations 1996 S.I. 1996/1 * Sea Fishing… … Wikipedia
Coordinate-measuring machine — A coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is a device for measuring the physical geometrical characteristics of an object. This machine may be manually controlled by an operator or it may be computer controlled. Measurements are defined by a probe… … Wikipedia
List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 1987 — This is a complete list of all 1468 Statutory Instruments published in the United Kingdom in the year 1987. NOTOC 1 100* Parish and Community Meetings (Polls) Rules 1987 S.I. 1987/1 * National Health Service (Food Premises) (Scotland) Regulations … Wikipedia