control motor

control motor
управляющий электродвигатель

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "control motor" в других словарях:

  • Control motor — Este artículo o sección sobre medicina necesita ser wikificado con un formato acorde a las convenciones de estilo. Por favor, edítalo para que las cumpla. Mientras tanto, no elimines este aviso puesto el 23 de mayo de 2010. También puedes ayudar… …   Wikipedia Español

  • control motor — valdomasis variklis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. control motor vok. Steuermotor, m rus. управляемый двигатель, m pranc. moteur de commande, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • control, motor — Temperature or pressure operated device used to control running of motor …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Motor learning — is a “relatively permanent” change, resulting from practice or a novel experience, in the capability for responding (Guthrie, 1952). It often involves improving the smoothness and accuracy of movements and is obviously necessary for complicated… …   Wikipedia

  • Motor control — are information processing related activities carried out by the central nervous system that organize the musculoskeletal system to create coordinated movements and skilled actions. Motor control is also the name of a thriving field within… …   Wikipedia

  • Vector control (motor) — Vector control (also called Field Oriented Control, FOC) is one method used in variable frequency drives to control the torque (and thus finally the speed) of three phase AC electric motors by controlling the current fed to the machine.MethodThe… …   Wikipedia

  • idle speed control motor — (ISC) and ECM controlled motor that extends or retracts a plunger that contacts the throttle level, which regulates the position of the throttle valve to compensate for an additional load, such as the air conditioner, power steering pump, etc. On …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Motor controller — A motor controller is a device or group of devices that serves to govern in some predetermined manner the performance of an electric motor.[1] A motor controller might include a manual or automatic means for starting and stopping the motor,… …   Wikipedia

  • Motor soft starter — Examples of motor soft starters [1] A motor soft starter is a device used with AC electric motors to temporarily reduce the load and torque in the powertrain of the motor during startup. This reduces the mechanical stress on the motor and shaft,… …   Wikipedia

  • Motor skill — A motor skill is a learned sequence of movements that combine to produce a smooth, efficient action in order to master a particular task. The development of motor skill occurs in the motor cortex, the region of the cerebral cortex that controls… …   Wikipedia

  • Motor goal — A motor goal is a neurally planned motor outcome that is used to organize motor control. Motor goals are experimentally shown to exist since planned movements can when disrupted adjust to achieve their planned outcome. If, for example, a person… …   Wikipedia

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