- call switch
искатель вызовов
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Switch (band) — Switch was an R B/funk band that found fame recording for the Gordy label in the late 1970s releasing hit songs such as There ll Never Be , I Call Your Name and The Best Beat in Town and influenced bands such as DeBarge, which featured members… … Wikipedia
Switch board (framework) — Switch Board is a MVC framework written for PHP. Its original concepts were taken from a preexisting ColdFusion/PHP framework called Fusebox. Its evolution through development has greatly changed its structure to have very little resemblance to… … Wikipedia
Switch (card game) — Switch is a shedding type card game for two or more players that is popular in the United Kingdom, and as alternative incarnations in other regions. The sole aim of Switch is to discard all of the cards in one s hand; the first player to play his … Wikipedia
switch´like´ — switch «swihch», noun, verb. –n. 1. a slender stick used in whipping or beating, especially a riding whip. 2. a thin, flexible shoot cut from a tree: »Not so long ago, exasperated mothers snatched off a switch from the lilac bush while ushering… … Useful english dictionary
switch´a|ble — switch «swihch», noun, verb. –n. 1. a slender stick used in whipping or beating, especially a riding whip. 2. a thin, flexible shoot cut from a tree: »Not so long ago, exasperated mothers snatched off a switch from the lilac bush while ushering… … Useful english dictionary
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 — Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Обложка игры Разработчик Infini … Википедия
Call of Duty: Black Ops II — Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Разработчик … Википедия
Call waiting — (or catch phone in Japan), in telephony, is a feature on some telephone networks. If a calling party places a call to a called party which is otherwise engaged, and the called party has the call waiting feature enabled, the called party is able… … Wikipedia
Call Waiting Deluxe — is the Bellcore (now Telcordia Technologies) term for Type II caller ID with Disposition Options. This CLASS based POTS telephone calling feature works by combining the services of call waiting with caller ID but also introduces an options… … Wikipedia
Call control — In telephony, call control refers to the software within a telephone switch that supplies its central function. Call control decodes addressing information and routes telephone calls from one end point to another. It also creates the features… … Wikipedia
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Nintendo DS) — Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Dev … Wikipedia