- starting procedure
порядок запуска двигателя
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
starting regime — paleidimo režimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. starting regime; start up procedure vok. Anfahrbetrieb, m; Anlaufbetrieb, m rus. пусковой режим, m pranc. régime de démarrage, m; régime de mise en marche, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Chess960 starting position — Chess960 is a chess variant in which the arrangement of pieces on the first rank is randomly generated. There are 960 possible starting positions, hence the name. The starting position can be generated before the game either by a computer program … Wikipedia
Opposition procedure before the European Patent Office — The opposition procedure before the European Patent Office (EPO) is a post grant, contentious, inter partes, administrative [1] procedure intended to allow any European patent to be centrally opposed. European patents granted by the EPO under the … Wikipedia
History of parliamentary procedure — The history of parliamentary procedure refers to the origins and evolution of parliamentary law used by deliberative assemblies. Demeter s Manual traces the origins of parliamentary law, by which is meant orderly deliberation and action by an… … Wikipedia
Civil procedure in England and Wales — For rules of civil procedure by country, see civil procedure. The civil courts of England and Wales adopted an overwhelmingly unified body of rules as a result of the Woolf Reforms on 26 April 1999. These are collectively known as the Civil… … Wikipedia
Beaver Bit-vector Decision Procedure — Beaver is a Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) decision procedure for the theory of quantifier free finite precision bit vector arithmetic ( [http://combination.cs.uiowa.edu/smtlib/logics/QF BV.smt QF BV] ). Its prototype implementation… … Wikipedia
start-up procedure — paleidimo režimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. starting regime; start up procedure vok. Anfahrbetrieb, m; Anlaufbetrieb, m rus. пусковой режим, m pranc. régime de démarrage, m; régime de mise en marche, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Jump start (vehicle) — A jump start or boost is a term for a method of starting an automobile or other internal combustion engine powered vehicle which has a discharged battery. A second battery (often in another vehicle) is temporarily connected to the dead… … Wikipedia
National Ice Skating Association — NISA Sport Ice skating Formation date 1879 Affiliation International Skating Union Headquarters National Ice Centre, Notting … Wikipedia
hot wire — [1] The positive wire coming from the battery or generating system. [2] Resistance wire in an electrical relay which expands when heated and contracts when cooled. [3] Electrical lead which has a voltage difference between it and the ground. [4]… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Aviation history — deals with the development of mechanical flight, from the earliest attempts in kite powered and gliding flight, to powered heavier than air flight, and beyond. Humanity s desire to fly possibly first found expression in China, where people flying … Wikipedia