starting preheater

starting preheater
авто (пред)пусковой подогреватель

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "starting preheater" в других словарях:

  • preheater system — A cold starting aid for diesel engines, consisting of glow plugs, a glow control unit, and a glow plug and starter switch, for preheating the combustion chamber or the intake air up to auto ignition temperature …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Air preheater — An air preheater or air heater is a general term to describe any device designed to heat air before another process (for example, combustion in a boiler) with the primary objective of increasing the thermal efficiency of the process. They may be… …   Wikipedia

  • Rotary kiln — A Rotary kiln is a pyroprocessing device used to raise materials to a high temperature (calcination) in a continuous process. Materials produced using rotary kilns include:* Cement * Lime * Refractories * Metakaolin * Titanium dioxide * Alumina * …   Wikipedia

  • Fluidized bed combustion — (FBC) is a combustion technology used in power plants. Fluidized beds suspend solid fuels on upward blowing jets of air during the combustion process. The result is a turbulent mixing of gas and solids. The tumbling action, much like a bubbling… …   Wikipedia

  • DRG Class 99.73–76 — Class 99.73 76 Number(s): 99 731 762 DRG / DR 99 1731 99 1761 DR Quantity: 32 Manufacturer: Sächsische Maschinenfabrik Berliner Maschinenbau …   Wikipedia

  • DB Class V 60 — DB Classes V 60 / 260, 261 / 360, 361 DBAG Classes 360 365 Number(s): V 60 001–1241, with gaps Quantity: 942, incl. 319 heavy class* Manufacturer: Mak: 382; Krupp: 252; …   Wikipedia

  • ГОСТ 20375-83: Электроагрегаты и передвижные электростанции с двигателями внутреннего сгорания. Термины и определения — Терминология ГОСТ 20375 83: Электроагрегаты и передвижные электростанции с двигателями внутреннего сгорания. Термины и определения оригинал документа: 38. Аварийная защита электроагрегата (электростанции) Аварийная защита D. Notschutz E.… …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • glow plug indicator — A monitoring element in a preheater system, which changes the colour of its filament in line with the plug and indicating readiness for starting …   Dictionary of automotive terms

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