program relocation

program relocation
перемещение программы

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "program relocation" в других словарях:

  • Relocation table — The relocation table is a list of pointers created by the linker and linked into the MSDOS .exe file. The relocation table tells the loader where these segments can be found in program image loaded into memory.ExplanationFar pointers (32 bit… …   Wikipedia

  • Relocation (computer science) — In computer science, relocation is the process of replacing symbolic references or names of libraries with actual usable addresses in memory before running a program. It is typically done by the linker during compilation (at compile time),… …   Wikipedia

  • University Transportation Centers Program — Program History = The University Transportation Centers (UTC) program was established by the United States Department of Transportation in 1987 as part of a government effort to improve transportation research and education in the US and to… …   Wikipedia

  • High Arctic relocation — The High Arctic relocation of Inuit took place during the Cold War, when 87 people were moved to the High Arctic of Canada. The High Arctic Relocation: A Report on the 1953 55 Relocation by René Dussault and George Erasmus, produced by the Royal… …   Wikipedia

  • Jerome War Relocation Center —   Detainee camp   Jerome War Relocation Center, 1942 …   Wikipedia

  • Self-relocation — When computer programs execute upon a computer, their instructions are at the same time stored within the main memory of a computer. As it is necessary for the processor of the computer to retrieve these instructions in a timely and orderly… …   Wikipedia

  • Pentagon Renovation Program — A composite aerial view showing the renovations to The Pentagon. The Pentagon Renovation Program or PENREN was a long term project by the United States Department of Defense to perform a complete slab to slab renovation of The Pentagon in… …   Wikipedia

  • United States Federal Witness Protection Program — The United States Federal Witness Protection Program is a witness protection program administered by the United States Department of Justice to protect threatened witnesses before, during, and after a trial. Witness protection is usually required …   Wikipedia

  • The Stadium Scholarship Program — is a cooperative program originally housed in residence quarters in the west side of Ohio Stadium thus the name. The Program is steeped in history and a tradition of academic merit and good citizenship. It is a very close community of students… …   Wikipedia

  • Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program — The Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program is a multi agency partnership to recover endangered fish in the upper Colorado River basin while water development proceeds in compliance with state and federal law (e.g., state water law …   Wikipedia

  • Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act — The Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1987 (Pub. L. 100 17, Apr. 2, 1987, 101 Stat. 132) is a United States Act of Congress, also called the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1987. It nominally gave power to apportion money …   Wikipedia

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