- program register
1) регистр команд2) счётчик команд
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
program register — komandos registras statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. command register; control register; instruction register; order register; program register vok. Befehlscoderegister, n; Befehlsregister, n; Programmregister, n rus. регистр команд … Automatikos terminų žodynas
register — reg·is·ter 1 / re jə stər/ n [Anglo French registre, from Medieval Latin registrum, alteration of Late Latin regesta, pl., register, from Latin, neuter plural of regestus, past participle of regerere to bring back, pile up, collect] 1: a written… … Law dictionary
Register — may refer to:In linguistics: * Register and contour tones, a linguistics term for tones distinguished by relative pitch * Register (sociolinguistics), a form of a language used for a particular purpose or social setting * Register (phonology), a… … Wikipedia
program — I noun agenda, arrangement, blueprint, calendar, campaign, catalogue, course, curriculum, design, docket, draft, list, order, outline, plan, policy, presentation, project, proposal, prospectus, schedule, series of events, set of tactics, strategy … Law dictionary
program — [n1] agenda, list affairs, appointments, arrangements, bill, bulletin, business, calendar, card, catalog, chores, curriculum, details, docket, happenings, index, lineup, listing, meetings, memoranda, necessary acts*, order of business*, order of… … New thesaurus
program counter — register that stores the number of the next command to be performed … English contemporary dictionary
Register machine — In mathematical logic and theoretical computer science a register machine is a generic class of abstract machines used in a manner similar to a Turing machine. All the models are Turing equivalent. Contents 1 Overview 2 Formal definition 3 … Wikipedia
Register renaming — In computer engineering, register renaming refers to a technique usedto avoid unnecessary serialization of program operations imposed by the reuseof registers by those operations.Problem definitionPrograms are composed of instructions which… … Wikipedia
Register window — In computer engineering, the use of register windows is a technique to improve the performance of a particularly common operation, the procedure call. By devoting hardware to this problem, almost all computer programs will run… … Wikipedia
Register allocation — In compiler optimization, register allocation is the process of multiplexing a large number of target program variables onto a small number of CPU registers. The goal is to keep as many operands as possible in registers to maximise the execution… … Wikipedia
Register transfer language — In computer science, register transfer language (RTL) is a term used to describe a kind of intermediate representation (IR) that is very close to assembly language, such as that which is used in a compiler. Academic papers and textbooks also… … Wikipedia