photography director

photography director
1) ведущий телеоператор
2) главный (кино)оператор; оператор-постановщик

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "photography director" в других словарях:

  • PHOTOGRAPHY — The first photographer known to be of Jewish birth was solomon nunes carvalho , an American who in 1853–54 served as artist photographer with John C. Frémont s expedition to the Far West. However, the 19th century did not produce many… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Director of audiography — The Director of Audiography (DoA)[1] is the head of the sound department and the person responsible for planning the audiography and managing the audiographers of a film. The role of audiographer and the title director of audiography derives from …   Wikipedia

  • Photography in Denmark — Peter Faber: Ulfeldts Plads (1840), Denmark s oldest photograph on record …   Wikipedia

  • photography —    The postwar euphoria of victory combined with an ongoing austerity of rationing in Britain gave way to a new optismism for the children of what was to become known as the baby boomer years (see baby boom). In its attempts to both rebuild and… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • Director of photography — Der Kameramann oder die Kamerafrau ist bei Film , Fernseh und Videoaufnahmen für die Bildgestaltung verantwortlich. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichte 2 Genauere Definition des Berufsbildes 3 Aufgabengebiete 3.1 Spielfilm …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Director's cut — For other uses, see Director s cut (disambiguation). Cowboy Kate other Stories, director s cut by Sam Haskins. A director s cut is a specially edited version of a film, and less often TV series, music video, commercials, comic …   Wikipedia

  • director — (and directing)   the creative artist responsible for complete artistic control of all phases of a film s production (such as making day to day determinations about sound, lighting, action, casting, even editing), for translating/interpreting a… …   Glossary of cinematic terms

  • director — /dəˈrɛktə / (say duh rektuh), /daɪ / (say duy ) noun 1. someone or something that directs. 2. Commerce one of a body of persons chosen to control or govern the affairs of a company or corporation. 3. the permanent head in certain government… …  

  • Women in Photography International — Women In Photography International, WIPI, was founded in [1981] to promote the visibility of women working in the Photographic Arts. As an educational nonprofit organization, WIPI provides member benefits that accommodate changing interests and… …   Wikipedia

  • director of photography — Motion Pictures. the person who is responsible for all operations concerning camera work and lighting during the production of a film. Also called cinematographer. * * * …   Universalium

  • director of photography — Motion Pictures. the person who is responsible for all operations concerning camera work and lighting during the production of a film. Also called cinematographer …   Useful english dictionary

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