
1) фотография (область науки и техники)
2) фотосъёмка, фотографирование
- additive color photography -
advertising photography
aerial photography from a kite
aerial photography
aerospace photography
air-to-air photography
amateur photography
animated photography
applied photography
art photography
astronomical photography
ballistic photography
black-and-white photography
borehole photography
bubble chamber photography
celestial photography
cine photography
close-up photography
color photography
composite photography
daylight photography
deep-ocean photography
direct photography
earth-based lunar photography
electronic photography
electrostatic photography
endoscopic photography
engineering photography
exoelectron photography
fade-in photography
fade-out photography
flash photography
frame-by-frame photography
half-tone photography
high-resolution photography
high-speed photography
identification photography
imbibition color photography
industrial photography
infrared photography
instantaneous photography
integral photography
interference color photography
laser photography
lensless photography
long-distance photography
lunar photography
metric photography
missile photography
motion picture photography
multispectral photography
newsreel photography
nuclear track photography
oscilloscope photography
panoramic photography
process-camera photography
professional photography
reconnaissance photography
reproduction photography
satellite-borne photography
schlieren photography
screen photography
short distance photography
silver photography
slow-motion photography
space photography
spark photography
speckle photography
spectral zonal photography
squeezed photography
stellar photography
stereoscopic photography
still photography
stroboscopic photography
studio photography
subtractive color photography
technical photography
three-color photography
three-dimensional photography
time-lapse photography
traveling-matte photography
two-color photography
unconventional photography
underwater photography
X-ray photography

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "photography" в других словарях:

  • Photography — is the art, science and practice of creating durable images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation, either electronically by means of an image sensor or chemically by means of a light sensitive material such as photographic… …   Wikipedia

  • Photography — Pho*tog ra*phy, n. [Photo + graphy: cf. F. photographie.] 1. The science which relates to the action of light on sensitive bodies in the production of pictures, the fixation of images, and the like. [1913 Webster] 2. The art or process of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Photography — cinemagraph crop digi necker digital dieting documentary style ego wall fan edit fauxtography …   New words

  • photography — 1839, from PHOTO (Cf. photo ) + GRAPHY (Cf. graphy) …   Etymology dictionary

  • photography — ► NOUN ▪ the taking and processing of photographs …   English terms dictionary

  • photography — [fə täg′rə fē] n. [ PHOTO + GRAPHY] the art or process of producing images of objects upon a photosensitive surface (as film in a camera) by the chemical action of light or other radiant energy …   English World dictionary

  • PHOTOGRAPHY — The first photographer known to be of Jewish birth was solomon nunes carvalho , an American who in 1853–54 served as artist photographer with John C. Frémont s expedition to the Far West. However, the 19th century did not produce many… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • photography — /feuh tog reuh fee/, n. 1. the process or art of producing images of objects on sensitized surfaces by the chemical action of light or of other forms of radiant energy, as x rays, gamma rays, or cosmic rays. 2. cinematography. [1839; PHOTO +… …   Universalium

  • photography —    The postwar euphoria of victory combined with an ongoing austerity of rationing in Britain gave way to a new optismism for the children of what was to become known as the baby boomer years (see baby boom). In its attempts to both rebuild and… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • photography — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Picture taking Nouns 1. photography, picture taking; aerial, architectural, available light, candid, digital, fashion, fine art, infrared, laser, paper negative, print, product, scenic, still, stereo… …   English dictionary for students

  • photography —    by Alan Cholodenko   Baudrillard comes to photography in two ways: as theorist of photography as image, object and medium in its own right; and as photographer whose photographs offer him a singular means with which to demonstrate and perform… …   The Baudrillard dictionary

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