- photographic printing
фотографическое печатание, фотопечатание; фотографическое копирование, фотокопирование
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Photographic printing — is the process of producing a final image for viewing, usually on chemically processed sensitized paper, from a previously prepared photographic negative, from a positive transparency or slide, or a digital image file. Printing from a Negative… … Wikipedia
Photographic printing — Photographic Pho to*graph ic, Photographical Pho to*graph ic*al, a. [Cf. F. photographique.] Of or pertaining to photography; obtained by photography; used ib photography; as a photographic picture; a photographic camera. {Pho to*graph ic*al*ly} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Photographic printing — Фотография; Фотопечать; копирование … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Photographic printing frame — Фотокопировальная рамка … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Photographic printing machine — Фотокопировальный аппарат, фотопечатающее устройство … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Photographic processing — is the chemical means by which photographic film and paper is treated after photographic exposure to produce a negative or positive image. Photographic processing transforms the latent image into a visible image, makes this permanent and renders… … Wikipedia
Photographic — Pho to*graph ic, Photographical Pho to*graph ic*al, a. [Cf. F. photographique.] Of or pertaining to photography; obtained by photography; used ib photography; as a photographic picture; a photographic camera. {Pho to*graph ic*al*ly}, adv. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Photographic paper — This article is about light sensitive photographic media. For digital printing media, see Photo printer and Inkjet paper. Photographic paper is paper coated with light sensitive chemicals, used for making photographic prints. Photographic paper… … Wikipedia
Photographic Alliance of Great Britain — The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (known as the PAGB) is the umbrella organisation that provides benefits and co ordinates specific events for the majority of photographic clubs and societies in England, Scotland, Wales Northern… … Wikipedia
Photographic filter — Four photographic filters. Clockwise, from top left, an infrared hot mirror filter, a polarising filter, and a UV filter. The larger filter is a polariser for Cokin style filter mounts. In photography and videography, a filter is a camera… … Wikipedia
Photographic developer — In the processing of photographic films, plates or papers, the photographic developer (or just developer) is a chemical that makes the latent image on the film or print visible. It does this by reducing the silver halides that have been exposed… … Wikipedia