photographic printer

photographic printer

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "photographic printer" в других словарях:

  • Photographic printer — Фотокопировальный аппарат; фотопечатающее устройство …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Photographic printing — is the process of producing a final image for viewing, usually on chemically processed sensitized paper, from a previously prepared photographic negative, from a positive transparency or slide, or a digital image file. Printing from a Negative… …   Wikipedia

  • printer — [print′ər] n. 1. a person whose work or business is printing 2. a device that prints; esp. 3. a) one that makes copies by chemical or photographic means b) a device, controlled by a computer, that prints that computer s output on paper …   English World dictionary

  • Printer (computing) — A modern printer with scanning/copying capability Small printer …   Wikipedia

  • Printer point — In photography, a printer point is a unit of relative exposure, in printing a negative, equal to a 1/12 of a stop or 0.025 Log(base 10) unit (one fortieth of a decade) of exposure ratio [ filmgate.html] .This… …   Wikipedia

  • Photographic paper — This article is about light sensitive photographic media. For digital printing media, see Photo printer and Inkjet paper. Photographic paper is paper coated with light sensitive chemicals, used for making photographic prints. Photographic paper… …   Wikipedia

  • Photographic film — This article is mainly concerned with still photography film. For motion picture film, please see film stock. Photographic film is a sheet of plastic (polyester, nitrocellulose or cellulose acetate) coated with an emulsion containing light… …   Wikipedia

  • Photographic print toning — In photography, toning is a photographic process carried out on silver based (black and white) photographic prints to change their colour. Some toning processes can improve the chemical stability of the print and allow it to last longer. Other… …   Wikipedia

  • printer — noun Date: 1504 one that prints: as a. a person engaged in printing b. a device used for printing; especially a machine for printing from photographic negatives c. a device (as an ink jet printer) that produces printout …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • printer — printerlike, adj. /prin teuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that prints, esp. a person whose occupation is printing. 2. Computers. an output device that produces a paper copy of alphanumeric or graphic data. 3. an instrument that automatically… …   Universalium

  • Inkjet printer — Inkjet printers operate by propelling variably sized droplets of liquid or molten material (ink) onto almost any sized page. They are the most common type of computer printer for the general consumerFact|date=November 2007 due to their low cost,… …   Wikipedia

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