- parameter line
строка параметров
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
parameter line — parametrų eilutė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. parameter line vok. Parameterzeile, f rus. строка параметров, f pranc. chaîne des paramètres, f; ligne des paramètres, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
distributed-parameter line — paskirstytųjų parametrų linija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. distributed parameter line vok. Leitung mit verteilten Parametern, f rus. линия с распределёнными параметрами, f pranc. ligne à constantes réparties, f; ligne à paramètres … Fizikos terminų žodynas
parameter — [pə ram′ət ər] n. [ModL parametrum < Gr para ,PARA 1 + metron,MEASURE] 1. Math. a quantity or constant whose value varies with the circumstances of its application, as the radius line of a group of concentric circles, which varies with the… … English World dictionary
parameter — parametric /par euh me trik/, parametrical, adj. /peuh ram i teuhr/, n. 1. Math. a. a constant or variable term in a function that determines the specific form of the function but not its general nature, as a in f(x) = ax, where a determines only … Universalium
Parameter (computer science) — In computer programming, a parameter is a variable which takes on the meaning of a corresponding argument passed in a call to a subroutine. In the most common case, call by value, a parameter acts within the subroutine as a local (isolated) copy… … Wikipedia
Parameter identification problem — The parameter identification problem is a problem which can occur in the estimation of multiple equation econometric models where the equations have variables in common. More generally, the term can be used to refer to any situation where a… … Wikipedia
parameter — One of many dimensions or ways of measuring or describing an object or evaluating a subject : 1. In a mathematical expression, an arbitrary constant that can possess different values, each value defining other expressions, and can determine the… … Medical dictionary
Line at infinity — Ideal line redirects here. For the ideal line in racing, see Racing line. In geometry and topology, the line at infinity is a line which is added to the real (affine) plane in order to give closure to, and remove the exceptional cases from, the… … Wikipedia
parameter — pa•ram•e•ter [[t]pəˈræm ɪ tər[/t]] n. 1) math. a) a constant or variable term in a mathematical function that determines the specific form of the function but not its general nature, as a in f(x)=ax, where a determines only the slope of the line… … From formal English to slang
Line-Scan — Rastertunnelmikroskop Das Rastertunnelmikroskop (abgekürzt RTM, oder STM von englisch scanning tunneling microscope) ist ein Mikroskop, das in der Oberflächenphysik und Oberflächenchemie eingesetzt wird, um die Oberfläche einer Probe abzubilden.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Command-line interface — Screenshot of a sample Bash session. GNOME Terminal 3, Fedora 15 … Wikipedia