parameter learning

parameter learning
параметрическое обучение

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "parameter learning" в других словарях:

  • parameter — In technical use, a parameter is a measurable factor that contributes to determining a system or event. In the 20c it developed rapidly into the kind of word that Fowler (1926) described as a ‘popularized technicality’, many instances of which he …   Modern English usage

  • One-shot learning — is an object categorization problem of current research interest in computer vision. Whereas most machine learning based object categorization algorithms require training on hundreds or thousands of images and very large datasets, one shot… …   Wikipedia

  • Temporal difference learning — is a prediction method. It has been mostly used for solving the reinforcement learning problem. TD learning is a combination of Monte Carlo ideas and dynamic programming (DP) ideas. [2] TD resembles a Monte Carlo method because it learns by… …   Wikipedia

  • Meta learning — This article is about meta learning in social psychology. For meta learning in computer science, see Meta learning (computer science). Metalearning in education Originally described by Donald B. Maudsley (1979) as the process by which learners… …   Wikipedia

  • Machine Learning — Maschinelles Lernen ist ein Oberbegriff für die „künstliche“ Generierung von Wissen aus Erfahrung: Ein künstliches System lernt aus Beispielen und kann nach Beendigung der Lernphase verallgemeinern. Das heißt, es lernt nicht einfach die Beispiele …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Iterative learning control — (ILC) is a method of tracking control for systems that work in a repetitive mode. Examples of systems that operate in a repetitive manner include robot arm manipulators, chemical batch processes and reliability testing rigs. In each of these… …   Wikipedia

  • Blended-Learning — Der Begriff integriertes Lernen oder englisch Blended Learning bezeichnet die Lernform, bei der die Vorteile von Präsenzveranstaltungen und E Learning kombiniert werden. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Definition 2 Begriffsherkunft 3 Geschichte und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Blended Learning — Der Begriff integriertes Lernen oder englisch Blended Learning bezeichnet die Lernform, bei der die Vorteile von Präsenzveranstaltungen und E Learning kombiniert werden. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Definition 2 Begriffsherkunft 3 Geschichte und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Supervised learning — is a machine learning technique for learning a function from training data. The training data consist of pairs of input objects (typically vectors), and desired outputs. The output of the functioncan be a continuous value (called regression), or… …   Wikipedia

  • Meta learning (computer science) — This article is about meta learning in computer science. For meta learning in social psychology, see Meta learning. Meta learning is a subfield of Machine learning where automatic learning algorithms are applied on meta data about machine… …   Wikipedia

  • Unsupervised learning — In machine learning, unsupervised learning is a class of problems in which one seeks to determine how the data are organised. It is distinguished from supervised learning (and reinforcement learning) in that there are only inputs, and no… …   Wikipedia

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