- keen
- ̈ɪki:nсильный, интенсивный, острый, резкий
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Keen — (k[=e]n), a. [Compar. {Keener} (k[=e]n [ e]r); superl. {Keenest}.] [OE. kene sharp, bold, AS. c[=e]ne bold; akin to D. koen, OHG. kuoni, G. k[ u]hn, OSw. kyn, k[ o]n, Icel. k[ae]nn, for k[oe]nn wise; perh. akin to E. ken, can to be able. [root]45 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
keen — [kiːn] adjective 1. if competition is keen, people are trying very hard to get an advantage over others doing the same thing: • Business has become scarcer, competition keener and profit margins slimmer. • These properties are likely to attract… … Financial and business terms
Keen's — Mustard is a brand that has existed since 1742 [http://www.britishempire.co.uk/media/advertising/keensmustardpack.htm] . The original maker, Keen Sons in England, became Keen Robinson Company, then was acquired in 1903 by rival mustard maker… … Wikipedia
Keen — steht für: Commander Keen, Computerspiel Serie Keen (Schuhe), ein US amerikanischer Outdoor Schuhhersteller Keen ist der Nachname folgender Personen: Andrew Keen (* 1960), britisch amerikanischer Unternehmer, Autor und Internet Kritiker David… … Deutsch Wikipedia
keen — keen1 [kēn] adj. [ME kene < OE cene, wise, learned, akin to Ger kühn, bold < IE base * ĝen , to KNOW: the principal senses spring from the basic notion “capable”] 1. having a sharp edge or point; that can cut well [a keen knife, a keen… … English World dictionary
Keen'v — Nom Kevin Bonnet Naissance 31 janvier 1983 (1983 01 31) (28 ans) Rouen, Franc … Wikipédia en Français
keen on — (informal) 1. Devoted to 2. Fond of 3. Very interested in, esp romantically or sexually 4. Very desirous of • • • Main Entry: ↑keen * * * keen on 1 : very excited about and interested in (something) … Useful english dictionary
Keen — may refer to the following:Video games* Commander Keen series, a video game series * Keening , the legendary sword in the video game , see Kagrenac s Tools Other * Keen Engineering * Keen Footwear See also * Keene * Keane * Keening the… … Wikipedia
keen\ on — • keen about • keen on adj. phr. Very enthusiastic about someone or something. It is well known that Queen Elizabeth is keen on horses … Словарь американских идиом
keen — [adj1] enthusiastic agog, alert, animate, animated, anxious, appetent, ardent, athirst, avid, breathless, devoted, dying to*, eager, earnest, ebullient, fervent, fervid, fierce, fond of, gung ho*, impassioned, impatient, intense, intent,… … New thesaurus
keen — Ⅰ. keen [1] ► ADJECTIVE 1) eager; enthusiastic. 2) (keen on) interested in or attracted by. 3) (of a blade) sharp. 4) mentally acute or quick. 5) Brit. (of prices) very low; competitive … English terms dictionary