- keen competition
- сильная конкуренция
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
keen — [kiːn] adjective 1. if competition is keen, people are trying very hard to get an advantage over others doing the same thing: • Business has become scarcer, competition keener and profit margins slimmer. • These properties are likely to attract… … Financial and business terms
competition — [käm΄pə tish′ən] n. [L competitio] 1. the act of competing; rivalry 2. a contest, or match 3. official participation in organized sport 4. opposition, or effective opposition, in a contest or match 5. rivalry in business, as for customers or… … English World dictionary
keen — keen1 W3S3 [ki:n] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(want something)¦ 2¦(like)¦ 3¦(hobby/interest)¦ 4¦(eager to work/learn)¦ 5¦(sight/smell/hearing)¦ 6¦(mind)¦ 7¦(feeling)¦ 8¦(competition)¦ 9¦(attracted)¦ 10¦(sharp)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
keen — 1 /ki:n/ adjective 1 INTERESTED/EAGER especially BrE someone who is keen is very interested in something or is eager to do it: a keen photographer (+ on): Daniel s very keen on tennis. | keen to do something: She s out of hospital and keen to get … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
keen — /ki:n/ adjective 1. eager or active ♦ keen competition strong competition ● We are facing some keen competition from European manufacturers. ♦ keen demand wide demand ● There is a keen demand for home computers. 2. ♦ keen prices prices which are… … Marketing dictionary in english
keen — /ki:n/ adjective 1. eager or active ♦ keen competition strong competition ● We are facing some keen competition from European manufacturers. ♦ keen demand wide demand ● There is a keen demand for home computers. 2. ♦ keen prices prices which are… … Dictionary of banking and finance
competition — /ˌkɒmpə tɪʃ(ə)n/ noun [m1]1. the action of companies or individuals who are trying to do better than others, to win a larger share of the market, to control the use of resources, etc. ♦ keen competition strong competition ● We are facing keen… … Marketing dictionary in english
competition — /ˌkɒmpə tɪʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. a situation where companies or individuals are trying to do better than others, e.g. trying to win a larger share of the market, or to produce a better or cheaper product or to control the use of resources ♦ keen… … Dictionary of banking and finance
keen´er — keen1 «keen», adjective. 1. so shaped as to cut well: »a keen blade. 2. sharp; cutting; piercing; intense: »a keen wind, keen hunger, keen pain, Figurative. keen wit. SYNO … Useful english dictionary
keen´ness — keen1 «keen», adjective. 1. so shaped as to cut well: »a keen blade. 2. sharp; cutting; piercing; intense: »a keen wind, keen hunger, keen pain, Figurative. keen wit. SYNO … Useful english dictionary
keen´ly — keen1 «keen», adjective. 1. so shaped as to cut well: »a keen blade. 2. sharp; cutting; piercing; intense: »a keen wind, keen hunger, keen pain, Figurative. keen wit. SYNO … Useful english dictionary