
[ðəmʹselvz] pron
А refl
1. себя, себе, собой, -сь, -ся (в 3-м л. мн. ч.)

the boys hurt themselves sliding downhill - съезжая с горы, мальчики ушиблись

they were ashamed of themselves - им было стыдно за себя

they have to attend to themselves - они должны сами себя обслуживать

they were whispering among themselves - они шушукались между собой

they're going to buy themselves a new car - они собираются приобрести новую машину

they think of nobody but themselves - они ни о ком, кроме себя, не думают

(all) by themselves - а) одни; they lived by themselves there - они там жили одни; б) сами, одни, без посторонней помощи; they did it by themselves - они сделали это сами /самостоятельно/

2. (с неопределёнными местоимениями вм. himself) разг. себя

nobody could blame themselves if ... - никто не может винить себя, если ...

Б emph
1) сами (в 3-м л. мн. ч.)

the teachers themselves said the test was too hard - (даже) сами преподаватели говорили, что контрольная была слишком трудной

they want to see for themselves - они хотят сами убедиться /удостовериться/

2) уст. они

it was hard to remember how themselves sat in fear of their persons - (им) было трудно вспоминать, как они сидели в страхе за самих себя

they were not themselves for some time - некоторое время они не могли прийти в себя

they keep themselves to themselves - они ведут замкнутый образ жизни; они ни с кем не встречаются

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "themselves" в других словарях:

  • Themselves — Pays d’origine  États Unis Genre musical Hip hop Années d activité 1997 présent …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Themselves — ist ein Musik Projekt der US amerikanischen Musiker Doseone (Adam Drucker) und Jel (Jeff Logan). Die Crew, teilweise ergänzt vom Rapper Dax Pierson am Keyboard, widmet sich dem experimentellen HipHop, mit Einflüssen aus Noise, Psychedelic und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • themselves — [them selvz′] pron. [Late (Northern) ME thaim selfe for ME hemselve(n) (see THEY) + s, pl. suffix] a form of THEY, used: a) as an intensifier [they saw it themselves] b) as a reflexive [they hurt themselves] c) with the meaning “their r …   English World dictionary

  • Themselves — Them*selves , pron. The plural of himself, herself, and itself. See {Himself}, {Herself}, {Itself}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • themselves — c.1500, standard from 1540s, replacing themself (Cf. THEIRSELF (Cf. theirself)). Themself returned late 20c. as some writers took to avoiding himself with gender neutral someone, anyone, etc …   Etymology dictionary

  • themselves — ► PRONOUN (third person pl. ) 1) used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a group of people or things previously mentioned as the subject of the clause. 2) used to emphasize a particular group of people or things mentioned. 3) used …   English terms dictionary

  • themselves — them|selves [ ðəm selvz ] pronoun *** Themselves is a reflexive pronoun, being a reflexive form of they. It can be used especially in the following ways: as an object that refers to the same people that are the subject of the sentence or that are …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • themselves — [[t]ðəmse̱lvz[/t]] ♦ (Themselves is the third person plural reflexive pronoun.) 1) PRON REFL: v PRON, prep PRON You use themselves to refer to people, animals, or things when the object of a verb or preposition refers to the same people or things …   English dictionary

  • themselves */*/*/ — UK [ðəmˈselvz] / US pronoun Summary: Themselves is a reflexive pronoun, being a reflexive form of they. It can be used especially in the following ways: as an object that refers to the same people that are the subject of the sentence or that are… …   English dictionary

  • themselves — them|selves W1S1 [ðəmˈselvz] pron 1.) used to show that the people who do something are affected by their own action ▪ Teachers have no choice but to take measures to protect themselves. ▪ Our neighbours have just bought themselves a jacuzzi. ▪… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • themselves — pronoun 1 the reflexive form of they : The kids seem very pleased with themselves what have they been doing? | Our neighbours have just bought themselves a jacuzzi. 2 used to emphasize the pronoun they , a plural noun etc: Doctors themselves are… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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