big apple

big apple
[͵bıgʹæp(ə)l] разг.

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "big apple" в других словарях:

  • Big apple — The Big Apple Manhattan vue depuis le World Trade Center The Big Apple (en français : la Grosse Pomme) est un des surnoms pour la ville de New York utilisé par les New Yorkais. La popularité de ce surnom date d u …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Big Apple — (b[i^]g [a^]p p l), prop. n. New York City; a nickname, usually written {The Big Apple}. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Big Apple — n [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: big apple important person (19 20 centuries); because of the importance of New York as a city] the Big Apple New York City …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • big apple — (USA) The Big Apple is New York …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • Big Apple — ☆ Big Apple the 〚orig., jazzmen s slang for the BIG TIME < ?〛 name for NEW YORK (City) * * * (AmE infml) a popular name for New York City. The name was first used by jazz musicians to mean the ‘big time’, or success. * * * ▪ da …   Universalium

  • Big Apple — New York, 1909 (but popularized by 1970s tourism promotion campaign), apparently from jazz musicians use of apple for any city, especially a Northern one …   Etymology dictionary

  • Big Apple — ☆ Big Apple the [orig., jazzmen s slang for the BIG TIME < ?] name for NEW YORK (City) …   English World dictionary

  • Big Apple — The Big Apple is a nickname or moniker for New York City. It was first popularized in the 1920s by John J. Fitz Gerald, a sports writer for the New York Morning Telegraph . Its popularity since the 1970s is due to a promotional campaign by the… …   Wikipedia

  • Big Apple — New York vom World Trade Center aus gesehen Big Apple (englisch „Großer Apfel“) ist der Spitzname der US amerikanischen Metropole New York. Zur Herkunft dieser Bezeichnung existieren verschiedene Theorien: Der Name Big Apple taucht erstmals 1909… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Big Apple — The Big Apple Manhattan vue depuis l Empire State Building The Big Apple (en français : « la Grande Pomme », et non la Grosse Pomme ) est l un des surnoms pour la ville de New York utilisé par les New Yorkais. La popularité de ce… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • big apple — noun Usage: often capitalized B&A : a jazz dance combining circular group formations with improvised solos and duets * * * noun the Big Apple informal used as a name for New York City She moved to the Big Apple after she graduated. * * * the ˌBig …   Useful english dictionary

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