- tack about
- [ʹtækəʹbaʋt] phr v
1) мор. менять галс, поворачивать на другой галс; делать поворот оверштаг2) менять тактику, поворачивать на 180 градусов
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Tack (sailing) — Tack is a term used in sailing that has different meanings in different contexts. ailThe tack is the lower corner of the sail s leading edge. On a sloop rigged sailboat, the mainsail tack is connected to the mast and the boom at the gooseneck. On … Wikipedia
Tack cloth — is a sticky (or tacky) material used for removing dust from a surface prior to finishing it with paint, varnish, or some similar product. Introduction Tack cloth is typically used in woodworking, but can be used in other applications as well.… … Wikipedia
tack|y — tack|y1 «TAK ee», adjective, tack|i|er, tack|i|est. very sticky or gummy; adhesive: »A tacky disk surface permits changing the abrasives (Science News Letter). ╂[< … Useful english dictionary
About — A*bout , adv. 1. On all sides; around. [1913 Webster] Tis time to look about. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. In circuit; circularly; by a circuitous way; around the outside; as, a mile about, and a third of a mile across. [1913 Webster] 3. Here and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tack — I n 1. nail, rivet, brad, cleat, staple; pin, peg, dowel, skewer; spike, bolt, toggle, cotter, cotter pin, treenail, trunnel, thole or tholepin; thumbtack, Brit. drawing pin, carpet tack, roofing tack; stitch, baste, lace; safety pin, straight… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
tack — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. thumbtack, carpet tack, etc.; nail; change of course, yaw, veer; route, course, path; food, fare. v. change course or direction; yaw; zigzag; baste. See connection, direction, deviation. II (Roget s… … English dictionary for students
tack — I. verb Etymology: Middle English takken, from tak Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. attach; especially to fasten or affix with tacks 2. to join in a slight or hasty manner 3. a. to add as a supplement … New Collegiate Dictionary
tack — Synonyms and related words: MO, aberrancy, aberration, about ship, affix, algorithm, alter, alteration, ameliorate, annex, append, approach, articulate, attach, attack, azimuth, back and fill, back band, backstrap, baste, batten, batten down, be… … Moby Thesaurus
tack — 1. noun /tak,tæk/ a) A small nail with a flat head. I thought that my refusing Barnard would alienate Botha, and decided that such a tack was too risky. b) A small, sharp, nail like object used especially to affix thin items to thicker ones, but… … Wiktionary
about ship — intransitive verb Etymology: from the imperative phrase about ship, from about (I) + ship, n. : tack usually used as an order * * * (as a command) put the ship about. [1865 70] * * * about ship, a command to bring a sailing vessel about. a|bout… … Useful english dictionary
tack — 1. noun 1) tacks held the carpet down Syn: pin, thumbtack, pushpin, nail, staple, rivet, stud 2) the boat bowled past on the opposite tack Syn: heading, bearing, course, track … Thesaurus of popular words