- bezant
- [ʹbez(ə)nt] n
1. ист. византин (золотая монета)2. архит. орнамент в виде дисков3. геральд. кружок на щите (свидетельствует, что его носитель участвовал в крестовом походе)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bezant — Be*zant , n. [See {Byzant}.] 1. A gold coin of Byzantium or Constantinople, varying in weight and value, usually (those current in England) between a sovereign and a half sovereign. There were also white or silver bezants. [Written also {besant} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bézant — [bə zã], byzantinische Goldmünze, Besant … Universal-Lexikon
bezant — gold coin, c.1200, from O.Fr. besant (12c.), from L. byzantius, short for Byzantius nummus coin of BYZANTIUM (Cf. Byzantium) … Etymology dictionary
bezant — bèzant m <G mn nātā> DEFINICIJA pov. u srednjovjekovnoj Europi bizantski zlatnik, dugo vremena simbol gospodarskog napretka i bogatstva (»dolar srednjega vijeka«); bizant ETIMOLOGIJA v. Bizant … Hrvatski jezični portal
bezant — [bez′ənt, bi zant′] n. [ME besant < OFr < L Byzantius (nummus), Byzantine (coin)] 1. the solidus, a gold coin issued in Byzantium: see SOLIDUS (sense 1) 2. Archit. Heraldry an ornamental flat disk or circular figure representing such a coin … English World dictionary
Bezant — Crusader coins of the Kingdom of Jerusalem: Denier in European style with Holy Sepulchre (1162 75); Kufic gold bezant (1140 80); gold bezant with Christian symbol (1250s). Gold coins were first copied dinars and bore Kufic script, but after 1250… … Wikipedia
Bezant — 1) [byzant]. Gold or silver coin minted at Byzantium (named Constantinople in 330; Istanbul since 1926) of which bezant is a corruption. Through much of the early Middle Ages, the only gold coins in circulation were Byzantine; the quality, and… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
bezant — ⇒BESANT, BEZANT, BESAN, subst. masc. A. Monnaie byzantine d or ou d argent : • 1. Elle apportait une dot des mille et une nuits, des coffres pleins de besants d or, d orfèvrerie et de pierres précieuses, des tissus précieux à l infini, (...),… … Encyclopédie Universelle
bezant — noun Etymology: Middle English besant, from Anglo French, from Medieval Latin Byzantius Byzantine, from Byzantium, ancient name of Istanbul Date: 13th century 1. solidus 1 2. a flat disk used in architectural ornament … New Collegiate Dictionary
bezant — /bez euhnt, bi zant /, n. 1. Also, bezzant. the gold solidus of the Byzantine Empire, widely circulated in the Middle Ages. 2. Also, byzant. (in Romanesque architecture) any of a number of disklike ornaments, similar in form to the classical… … Universalium
bezant — noun /ˈbɛzənt/ a) A coin made of gold or silver, minted at and used in currency throughout mediaeval Europe. b) The heraldic representation of a gold coin … Wiktionary