- beneficiation
- [͵benıfıʃıʹeıʃ(ə)n] n горн.
обогащение (руды)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Beneficiation — is a variety of process whereby extracted ore from mining is reduced to particles that can be separated into mineral and waste, the former suitable for further processing or direct use.Based on this metaphor, the term has come to be used within a … Wikipedia
beneficiation — Treatment of raw material (such as pulverized ore) to improve physical or chemical properties in preparation for further processing. Beneficiation techniques include washing, sizing of particulates, and concentration (which involves the… … Universalium
Beneficiation — Beneficiate Ben e*fi ci*ate, v. t. [Sp. beneficiar to benefit, to work mines.] (Mining) To reduce (ores). {Ben e*fi ci*a tion} (?), n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
beneficiation — noun Date: 1871 the treatment of raw material (as iron ore) to improve physical or chemical properties especially in preparation for smelting • beneficiate transitive verb … New Collegiate Dictionary
beneficiation — noun The reduction in size of particles of ore before further processing … Wiktionary
beneficiation — ben·e·fi·ci·a·tion … English syllables
beneficiation — /ˌbɛnəfɪʃiˈeɪʃən/ (say .benuhfishee ayshuhn) noun Mining 1. the dressing or processing of ores to regulate the size of the product, remove unwanted constituents and improve the quality, purity or assay grade. 2. concentration or other preparation …
beneficiation — noun crushing and separating ore into valuable substances or waste by any of a variety of techniques • Syn: ↑mineral extraction, ↑mineral processing, ↑mineral dressing, ↑ore processing, ↑ore dressing • Derivationally related forms: ↑beneficiate … Useful english dictionary
beneficiate — beneficiation, n. /ben euh fish ee ayt /, v.t., beneficiated, beneficiating. Metall. to treat (ore) to make more suitable for smelting. [1870 75, Amer.; < Sp benefici(ar) to benefit, profit from (especially mining or farming) (v. deriv. of… … Universalium
Mineral industry of Russia — Russia is one of the world’s leading mineral producing countries and accounts for a large percentage of the CIS’s production of a range of mineral products, including metals, industrial minerals, and mineral fuels. In 2005, Russia ranked among… … Wikipedia
Mining industry of Russia — The mineral industry of Russia is one of the world s leading mineral industries and accounts for a large percentage of the Commonwealth of Independent States production of a range of mineral products, including metals, industrial minerals, and… … Wikipedia