
[͵benıʹfıʃ(ə)rı] n
1. лицо, оказавшееся в выигрыше, к выгоде которого что-л. происходит

all the children of the neighbourhood are beneficiaries of the new playground - все дети в округе пользуются новой площадкой для игр

this politician will be the beneficiary of the taxpayers' discontent - этот политикан воспользуется недовольством налогоплательщиков

2. священник, стоящий во главе прихода
3. 1) юр. лицо, получающее доходы с доверительной собственности или в пользу которого эта собственность учреждена, бенефициарий
2) бенефициар (получатель денег по аккредитиву и т. п.)
4. ист. владелец бенефиция или феода; феодальный вассал
5. тот, кто получает экономическую выгоду (от внедрения новшества)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "beneficiary" в других словарях:

  • beneficiary — ben·e·fi·cia·ry /ˌbe nə fi shē ˌer ē, fi shə rē/ n pl ries: a person or entity (as a charity or estate) that receives a benefit from something: as a: the person or entity named or otherwise entitled to receive the principal or income or both from …   Law dictionary

  • Beneficiary — Ben e*fi ci*a*ry, a. [Cf. F. b[ e]n[ e]ficiaire, LL. beneficiarius.] 1. Holding some office or valuable possession, in subordination to another; holding under a feudal or other superior; having a dependent and secondary possession. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • beneficiary — The person who is in receipt, or will be in receipt, of some asset, thing, or thing of value. For example, a person can make a will naming someone, usually their spouse, as beneficiary of their estate. (Dictionary of Canadian Bankruptcy Terms)… …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • Beneficiary — Ben e*fi ci*a*ry, n.; pl. {Beneficiaries}. 1. A feudatory or vassal; hence, one who holds a benefice and uses its proceeds. Ayliffe. [1913 Webster] 2. One who receives anything as a gift; one who receives a benefit or advantage; esp. one who… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • beneficiary — 1610s (n.), 1620s (adj.), probably via Fr. bénéficiaire, from L. beneficiarius enjoying a favor, privileged, from beneficium (see BENEFICE (Cf. benefice)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • beneficiary — [n] person who gains, benefits almsperson, assignee, devisee, donee, grantee, heir, heiress, inheritor, legatee, payee, possessor, receiver, recipient, stipendiary, successor; concepts 355,423 Ant. giver, payer …   New thesaurus

  • beneficiary — ► NOUN (pl. beneficiaries) ▪ a person who benefits from something, especially a trust or will …   English terms dictionary

  • beneficiary — [ben΄ə fish′ē er΄ē, ben΄əfish′ər ē] adj. [L beneficiarius] of or holding a benefice n. pl. beneficiaries 1. a holder of a benefice 2. anyone receiving benefit 3. a person named to receive the income or inheritance from a will, insurance policy,… …   English World dictionary

  • beneficiary — /benafish(iy)ary/ One who benefits from act of another. A party who will benefit from a transfer of property or other arrangement. Examples include the beneficiary of a trust, the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, and the beneficiary of an… …   Black's law dictionary

  • beneficiary — /benafish(iy)ary/ One who benefits from act of another. A party who will benefit from a transfer of property or other arrangement. Examples include the beneficiary of a trust, the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, and the beneficiary of an… …   Black's law dictionary

  • beneficiary — Term used to refer to the person who receives the benefits of a trust or the recipient of the proceeds of a life insurance policy. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * beneficiary ben‧e‧fi‧cia‧ry [ˌbenˈfɪʆəri ǁ ˈfɪʆieri] noun beneficiaries… …   Financial and business terms

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