- squash tennis
- [͵skwɒʃʹtenıs] амер. спорт.
американский сквош
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Squash tennis — is an American variant of squash racquets, but played with a ball and racquets that are closer to the equipment used for lawn tennis, and with somewhat different rules. For younger players the game offers the complexity of squash racquets and the … Wikipedia
squash tennis — Singles racket game resembling squash rackets, played with an inflated ball the size of a tennis ball. Played in virtually the same court as squash rackets, squash tennis makes fewer demands on the legs in pursuing the ball but puts a greater… … Universalium
squash tennis — noun : a racket game resembling squash racquets played by two people only in a four wall court using a lively inflated ball the size of a tennis ball which bounces very fast and requires great speed in anticipation and turning though less speed… … Useful english dictionary
squash tennis — noun Date: 1901 a singles racket game resembling squash played with an inflated ball the size of a tennis ball … New Collegiate Dictionary
squash rackets — ➡ squash * * * ▪ 1995 The dominance of Jansher Khan of Pakistan and Michelle Martin of Australia continued throughout 1994. Both retained their British Open titles in April and their world championships later in the year. Khan was… … Universalium
Squash — may refer to: * Squash (plant), the fruit of vines of the genus Cucurbita * Squash (sport), an indoor racket sport formerly called squash racquets * Squash tennis, a similar game but played with equipment related more to that of tennis * Squash… … Wikipedia
squash — squash1 [skwôsh, skwäsh] vt. [OFr esquasser < VL * exquassare < L ex , intens. + quassus: see QUASH2] 1. a) to squeeze or crush into a soft or flat mass b) to press or squeeze tightly or too tightly 2. to suppress or bring to an abrupt end; … English World dictionary
Squash (sport) — For other uses, see Squash. Squash (sport) Characteristics Contact No Team members Single Categorization Racquet sport … Wikipedia
squash — squash1 squasher, n. /skwosh, skwawsh/, v.t. 1. to press into a flat mass or pulp; crush: She squashed the flower under her heel. 2. to suppress or put down; quash. 3. to silence or disconcert (someone), as with a crushing retort or emotional or… … Universalium
squash´er — squash1 «skwosh», verb, noun, adverb. –v.t. 1. to squeeze or press into a flat mass or pulp; crush: »The boy squashed the bug. The package was squashed in the mail. 2. to put an end to; stop by force; suppress; quash: »The principal moved quickly … Useful english dictionary
squash — 1. v. & n. v. 1 tr. crush or squeeze flat or into pulp. 2 intr. (often foll. by into) make one s way by squeezing. 3 tr. pack tight, crowd. 4 tr. a silence (a person) with a crushing retort etc. b dismiss (a proposal etc.). c quash (a rebellion) … Useful english dictionary