squash racquets

squash racquets
[͵skwɒʃʹrækıts] = squash rackets

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "squash racquets" в других словарях:

  • squash racquets — noun a game played in an enclosed court by two or four players who strike the ball with long handled rackets • Syn: ↑squash, ↑squash rackets • Members of this Topic: ↑cut, ↑undercut, ↑drive, ↑forehand, ↑foreha …   Useful english dictionary

  • Squash Racquets Federation of India — The Squash Racquets Federation of India or SRFI is the Indian governmental apex body for the game of squash. It conducts the National Squash Championship, and promotes the game through the different state level squash bodies, and provides… …   Wikipedia

  • squash racquets — noun plural but singular in construction Date: 1886 squash 6 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • New York Metropolitan Squash Racquets Association — New York Squash (formerly the Metropolitan Racquets Association, or MSRA) is a volunteer organization which organizes squash events in the New York metropolitan area. Contents 1 History 2 Organization Membership 3 New York Squash Tournaments …   Wikipedia

  • Squash tennis — is an American variant of squash racquets, but played with a ball and racquets that are closer to the equipment used for lawn tennis, and with somewhat different rules. For younger players the game offers the complexity of squash racquets and the …   Wikipedia

  • Squash — may refer to: * Squash (plant), the fruit of vines of the genus Cucurbita * Squash (sport), an indoor racket sport formerly called squash racquets * Squash tennis, a similar game but played with equipment related more to that of tennis * Squash… …   Wikipedia

  • squash — squash1 [skwôsh, skwäsh] vt. [OFr esquasser < VL * exquassare < L ex , intens. + quassus: see QUASH2] 1. a) to squeeze or crush into a soft or flat mass b) to press or squeeze tightly or too tightly 2. to suppress or bring to an abrupt end; …   English World dictionary

  • Squash (sport) — For other uses, see Squash. Squash (sport) Characteristics Contact No Team members Single Categorization Racquet sport …   Wikipedia

  • squash — squash1 squasher, n. /skwosh, skwawsh/, v.t. 1. to press into a flat mass or pulp; crush: She squashed the flower under her heel. 2. to suppress or put down; quash. 3. to silence or disconcert (someone), as with a crushing retort or emotional or… …   Universalium

  • squash´er — squash1 «skwosh», verb, noun, adverb. –v.t. 1. to squeeze or press into a flat mass or pulp; crush: »The boy squashed the bug. The package was squashed in the mail. 2. to put an end to; stop by force; suppress; quash: »The principal moved quickly …   Useful english dictionary

  • squash — I [[t]skwɒʃ, skwɔʃ[/t]] v. t. 1) to press into a flat mass or pulp; crush 2) to suppress; quash 3) to press forcibly into a small space; cram 4) to become pressed into a flat mass or pulp 5) to make a splashing sound; splash 6) to squeeze or… …   From formal English to slang

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