
1. [slæb] n
1. 1) большой кусок; кус

a slab of cake [of meat] - кусок торта [мяса]

2) брусок (сыра, масла); блок (мороженой рыбы и т. п.)
2. плита, пластина

paved with slabs of stone - вымощенный каменными плитами

3. 1) верх стола
2) откидной столик
3) прилавок, стойка (особ. мраморная)
4) стол в морге (тж. mortuary slab)
4. стр. горбыль
5. метал. сляб; плоская заготовка
6. мор. слабина паруса
7. полигр. плита, особ. красочная плита (тж. ink slab)
2. [slæb] v
1. мостить, выкладывать плитами
2. стр. срезать горбыли
3. метал. прокатывать слябы
1. [slæb] n
густая, вязкая масса; жидкая грязь
2. [slæb] a
густой, тяжёлый, вязкий

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую


Смотреть что такое "slab" в других словарях:

  • slab — SLAB, Ă, slabi, e, adj. 1. (Despre oameni şi animale sau despre părţi ale corpului lor) Care nu are un strat (consistent) de grăsime sub piele; uscăţiv. ♦ (Despre carne) Fără grăsime; macră. ♦ (Despre mâncăruri, alimente) Care conţine sau are… …   Dicționar Român

  • Slab — can refer to:Physical objects and substances* A broad flat square or rectangular piece of wood, stone or other solid material used to construct buildings, pavements, patios, paths, etc: see Paver (flooring) and flagstone. * An outside piece cut… …   Wikipedia

  • slab — slab·ber·er; slab·bery; slab·bi·ly; slab·bing; slab; slab·man; slab·ber; slab·by; …   English syllables

  • slab — [ slæb ] noun count 1. ) a large flat piece of a hard material such as stone or wood: a slab of rock/marble a concrete/stone slab 2. ) slab of a large piece of food: a slab of meat/butter/chocolate A man was eating a huge slab of pizza. 3. ) a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • slab — slab1 [slab] n. [ME sclabbe] 1. a piece that is flat, broad, and fairly thick [a slab of concrete, a slab of bread] 2. any of the rough, outer pieces removed from a log in sawing it into lumber vt. slabbed, slabbing 1. to make into a slab or… …   English World dictionary

  • slab — [slæb] n 1.) a thick flat piece of a hard material such as stone ▪ a concrete slab ▪ paving slabs slab of ▪ They used a slab of concrete as a lid. 2.) slab of cake/chocolate/meat etc a large flat piece of cake etc 3.) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • slab — slȁb prid. <odr. ī> DEFINICIJA 1. koji je male snage, koji nije jaka tijela (o čovjeku i životinji), opr. jak 2. koji nije postojana karaktera, koji nije jake volje 3. koji ne raspolaže jakom vlašću i utjecajem [slab vladar] 4. koji nešto… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • slab — ● slab nom masculin (anglais slab, visqueux, gluant) Caoutchouc de qualité inférieure, consistant en un coagulat obtenu directement à partir de latex non filtré. slab [slab] n. m. ÉTYM. Mil. XXe; mot angl., de l adj. slob « visqueux ». ❖ ♦ Anglic …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Slab — Slab, n. [OE. slabbe, of uncertain origin; perhaps originally meaning, a smooth piece, and akin to slape, Icel. sleipr slippery, and E. slip, v. i.] 1. A thin piece of anything, especially of marble or other stone, having plane surfaces. Gwilt.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Slab — Slab, a. [Cf. Gael. & Ir. slaib mud, mire left on a river strand, and E. slop puddle.] Thick; viscous. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Make the gruel thick and slab. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • slab — s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS metall. → bramma {{line}} {{/line}} VARIANTI: slebo. DATA: 1960. ETIMO: ingl. slab propr. 1lastra , der. di (to) slab appiattire …   Dizionario italiano

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