- skywriting
1> _ав. _профес. прочерчивание самолетом в небе буквенных
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Skywriting — bei der Oshkosh Fly In (2008) Als Skywriting (im dt. als Himmelsschreiber bezeichnet) wird eine Form der Luftwerbung bezeichnet, bei der ein kleines Flugzeug eine vom Erdboden aus sichtbare Nachricht am Himmel hinterlässt. Dazu wird das Flugzeug… … Deutsch Wikipedia
skywriting — [skī′rīt΄iŋ] n. the act or result of tracing words, figures, etc. in the sky by trailing smoke from an airplane in flight skywrite vi., vt. skywrote, skywritten skywriter n … English World dictionary
Skywriting — writ large.The typical smoke generator consists of a pressurized container holding a low viscosity oil such as Chevron/Texaco Canopus 13 (formerly Corvus Oil ). The oil is injected into the hot exhaust manifold causing it to vaporize into a huge… … Wikipedia
Skywriting by Word of Mouth — is the third, and last, book written by John Lennon. Subtitled and Other Writings Including the Ballad of John and Yoko , it was published posthumously in 1986 and included an afterword by his widow, Yoko Ono. Like his other works, it contains… … Wikipedia
skywriting — noun Date: 1922 writing formed in the sky by means of a visible substance (as smoke) emitted from an airplane … New Collegiate Dictionary
skywriting — /skuy ruy ting/, n. 1. the act or technique of writing against the sky with chemically produced smoke released from a maneuvering airplane. 2. the words, letters, designs, etc., so traced. [1920 25; SKY + WRITING] * * * … Universalium
skywriting — noun Messages, left by leaving a trail of smoke from an airplane, that are visible from the ground … Wiktionary
Skywriting — Røgskrift på himlen … Danske encyklopædi
skywriting — n. process of writing in the sky using smoke discharged from an airplane … English contemporary dictionary
skywriting — noun words in the form of smoke trails made by an aircraft, especially for advertising. Derivatives skywriter noun … English new terms dictionary
skywriting — sky•writ•ing [[t]ˈskaɪˌraɪ tɪŋ[/t]] n. 1) aer. the act or technique of writing against the sky with artificial smoke released from a maneuvering airplane 2) the words, letters, designs, etc., so traced • Etymology: 1920–25 sky′write , v.i. v.t.… … From formal English to slang