beauty spot

beauty spot
1. 1) мушка (на лице)
2) родинка
2. живописная местность
3. особо привлекательная черта

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "beauty spot" в других словарях:

  • Beauty spot — Beauty Beau ty (b[=u] t[y^]), n.; pl. {Beauties} (b[=u] t[i^]z). [OE. beaute, beute, OF. beaut[ e], biaut[ e], Pr. beltat, F. beaut[ e], fr. an assumed LL. bellitas, from L. bellus pretty. See {Beau}.] [1913 Webster] 1. An assemblage of graces or …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • beauty spot — beauty spots 1) N COUNT A beauty spot is a place in the country that is popular because of its beautiful scenery. The Valley of Vinales is a lush and fertile valley and one of Cuba s finest beauty spots. 2) N COUNT A beauty spot is a small, dark… …   English dictionary

  • beauty spot — n. 1. a tiny black patch applied to the face or back to emphasize the beauty or whiteness of the skin: a former fashion among women 2. BEAUTY MARK 3. any place noted for its beauty …   English World dictionary

  • beauty spot — n BrE 1.) a place in the countryside which is famous because it is very pretty ▪ Guests will be able to visit some of the local beauty spots. 2.) a small dark mark on a woman s face used when you think it is attractive American Equivalent: beauty …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • beauty spot — beauty ,spot noun count BRITISH 1. ) a beautiful place in the countryside that attracts tourists 2. ) a BEAUTY MARK …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • beauty spot — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms beauty spot : singular beauty spot plural beauty spots 1) a beautiful place in the countryside that attracts tourists 2) British a small dark spot on the skin. The American word is beauty mark …   English dictionary

  • beauty spot — 1. a tiny, molelike patch worn, usually on the face, as to set off the fairness of the skin. 2. a mole or other dark mark on the skin. 3. a place of exceptional scenic or architectural beauty: Montserrat is the beauty spot of the islands. [1650… …   Universalium

  • beauty spot — /ˈbjuti spɒt/ (say byoohtee spot) noun 1. a patch worn on the face or elsewhere to set off the fairness of the skin. 2. a mole or other trifling mark on the skin. 3. a place of scenic beauty. 4. any spot, place, or feature of especial beauty …  

  • beauty spot — noun a) A birthmark, especially on a woman. b) A place noted for its natural beauty …   Wiktionary

  • beauty spot — noun (C) 1 a beautiful place in the countryside 2 BrE a small dark mark on a woman s skin; beauty mark AmE …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • beauty spot — beau′ty spot n. 1) a mole or other dark mark on the skin 2) clo patch I, 9) • Etymology: 1650–60 …   From formal English to slang

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