- beauty sleep
- [ʹbju:tısli:p]
1) сон днём (особенно перед обедом, балом, вечером и т. п.)2) первые часы сна (до полуночи)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
beauty sleep — n. Informal 1. sleep before midnight, popularly thought to be most restful 2. any extra sleep … English World dictionary
beauty sleep — n [U] enough sleep to keep you healthy and looking good used humorously … Dictionary of contemporary English
beauty sleep — beauty ,sleep noun uncount HUMOROUS sleep that you need to have at night so that you can stay healthy and look good … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
beauty sleep — noun a) Sleep before midnight, on the belief that early sleep hours conduce to health and beauty. But eager as Kate was for her beauty sleep, the light burned late in her room. b) Extra sleep or a special nap. I know I ought to be taking a beauty … Wiktionary
beauty sleep — noun sleep before midnight • Hypernyms: ↑sleep, ↑nap * * * ˈbeauty sleep [beauty sleep] noun uncountable ( … Useful english dictionary
beauty sleep — n. sleep; the sleep one requires. (Usually mentioned by nonbeau tiful men as a joke.) □ I gotta get home and get my beauty sleep. □ You really need some beauty sleep. Why don’t you try a week of it and see if that works? … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
beauty sleep — (someone s) beauty sleep humorous the sleep that someone needs in order to feel healthy and look attractive. If you don t mind, I m going to bed now. I have to get my beauty sleep … New idioms dictionary
beauty sleep — {n.} A nap or rest taken to improve the appearance. * /She took her beauty sleep before the party./ * /Many famous beauties take a beauty sleep every day./ … Dictionary of American idioms
beauty sleep — {n.} A nap or rest taken to improve the appearance. * /She took her beauty sleep before the party./ * /Many famous beauties take a beauty sleep every day./ … Dictionary of American idioms
beauty\ sleep — noun A nap or rest taken to improve the appearance. She took her beauty sleep before the party. Many famous beauties take a beauty sleep every day … Словарь американских идиом
beauty sleep — noun (U) humorous enough sleep to keep you healthy and looking good: I need my beauty sleep … Longman dictionary of contemporary English