- shelta
- [ʹʃeltə] n
шелта, арго цыган, бродячих лудильщиков и др. (на территории Великобритании и Ирландии)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Shelta — Gesprochen in Irland, Großbritannien, USA Sprecher 86.000 Linguistische Klassifikation Indogermanisch Keltische Sprachen Inselkeltische Sprachen Shelta … Deutsch Wikipedia
Shelta — es el idioma tradicional de los nómadas irlandeses . Es hablado por unas 85.000 personas en Irlanda, Reino Unido y Estados Unidos, de los que entre 6.000 y 25.000 viven en Irlanda. La mayor parte del vocabulario Shelta, se basa en el Irlandés,… … Wikipedia Español
Shelta — Parlée en Irlande, Royaume Uni, États Unis Nombre de locuteurs 86 000 Typologie VSO Classification par famille Langue mixte … Wikipédia en Français
shelta — secret language of Irish tinkers, 1876, of unknown origin. It mostly consists of Irish or Gaelic words, with inversion or arbitrary substitution of initial consonants … Etymology dictionary
Shelta — [shel′tə] n. [earlier sheldru, shelter < ? OIr bēlre, speech] [also s ] a traditional jargon, based on Irish Gaelic, spoken as by tinkers in some parts of Ireland and England … English World dictionary
Shelta — Infobox Language name=Shelta nativename=Shelta, Gammen, Sheldru, Pavee pronunciation= states=Ireland, Irish diaspora region=Used by some Irish Travellers speakers=86,000 script=Latin familycolor=Creole fam1=mixed language based on the Irish… … Wikipedia
Shelta — 1) The name used by scholars for Irish Travelers cant. 2) A secret vocabulary from the Middle Ages formed by changing the first consonant of a word. An example is the word feen (man) from Irish duine. According to some scholars, it is one… … Historical dictionary of the Gypsies
Shelta Cave — is located in Madison County, Alabama and is described as one of the most biodiverse caves within the Appalachian Mountains. The cave is currently owned by the National Speleological Society, whose office is located in a building situated above… … Wikipedia
Shelta — /shel teuh/, n. a private language, based in part on Irish, used among Travelers in the British Isles. [1875 80; orig. uncert.] * * * … Universalium
Shelta — noun A cant used by members of the Travelling Community, based on older versions of the Irish language with modern English influences … Wiktionary
Shelta — ISO 639 3 Code : sth ISO 639 2/B Code : ISO 639 2/T Code : ISO 639 1 Code : Scope : Individual Language Type : Living … Names of Languages ISO 639-3