run down

run down
[ʹrʌnʹdaʋn] phr v
1. 1) останавливаться (о машине, механизме и т. п.); кончаться (о заводе)

the clock has run down - часы стали /остановились/

2) разряжаться (об аккумуляторе)

the battery has /is/ run down - батарейка разрядилась /села/

3) раскручиваться (о пружине)
2. 1) настигать, догонять

to run down an escaped convict - настигнуть /догнать, поймать/ беглого каторжника

the police ran him down - полиция его поймала

to run down a stag - загнать оленя

2) разыскать

to run down a quotation - разыскать цитату

he was run down in Brussels - его разыскали в Брюсселе

3. сбить

the motorist ran down a man on a bicycle - автомобилист сбил велосипедиста

4. 1) снижать, сокращать

to run down military presence - сокращать военное присутствие

2) снижаться, сокращаться

the farm labour force is running down steadily - численность сельскохозяйственных рабочих неуклонно падает

3) (to) спускаться

the grounds of the park run down to the water edge - территория парка доходит до самого берега реки

5. плохо, пренебрежительно отзываться (о ком-л.); третировать (кого-л.)

that man is always running me down - этот человек всегда говорит обо мне с пренебрежением

he was always running people down - он всегда дурно говорил о людях

he was run down in the papers - его разругали /разнесли/ в газетах

6. заставить игрока выйти из игры (в бейсболе)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "run down" в других словарях:

  • run down — {v.} (stress on down ) 1. To crash against and knock down or sink. * /Jack rode his bicycle too fast and almost ran down his little brother./ * /It was so foggy that the steamship almost ran down a small boat leaving port./ Compare: RUN INTO(3a) …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • run down — {v.} (stress on down ) 1. To crash against and knock down or sink. * /Jack rode his bicycle too fast and almost ran down his little brother./ * /It was so foggy that the steamship almost ran down a small boat leaving port./ Compare: RUN INTO(3a) …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • run-down — ˈrun down adjective PROPERTY a building or area that is run down is in very bad condition: • We have a contract to renovate five run down apartment buildings. * * * Ⅰ. run down UK US (also rundown) /ˌrʌnˈdaʊn/ adjective ► PROPERTY …   Financial and business terms

  • run|down — «RUHN DOWN», noun. Informal. an account; summary: »a rundown of the week s news. The speaker gave a brief rundown on his career. run down «adjective. RUHN DOWN; noun. RUHN DOWN», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. tired; sick: »If you are generally “run… …   Useful english dictionary

  • run-down — adj 1.) a building or area that is run down is in very bad condition ▪ a run down inner city area 2.) [not before noun] someone who is run down is tired and not healthy ▪ You look a bit run down …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • run-down — /run down /, adj. 1. fatigued; weary; exhausted. 2. in a state of poor health: He was in a run down condition from months of overwork. 3. in neglected condition; fallen into disrepair: a run down house. 4. (of a spring operated device) not… …   Universalium

  • run down — (someone/something) 1. to search for and find someone or something. We spend a lot of money each year running down students who are out of school illegally. The software giant spent months running down bugs in the program and fixing them. The… …   New idioms dictionary

  • run-down — adjective 1. ) so tired that you do not feel well: Evie had been working too hard and was feeling run down. 2. ) in bad condition because no one has spent money on repairs: This area of San Francisco is poor and run down …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • run down — (someone) to injure or kill someone with a vehicle. He s accused of running down two pedestrians while driving drunk. She tried to run us down! …   New idioms dictionary

  • run-down — [adj] shabby, in bad shape abandoned, beat up, below par, broken down, crumbling, debilitated, decrepit, derelict, deserted, desolate, dilapidated, dingy, dogeared*, down at the heel*, drained, enervated, exhausted, fatigued, forsaken, frowzy*,… …   New thesaurus

  • run down — ► run down 1) knoc k down with a vehicle. 2) criticize unfairly or unkindly. 3) reduce or become reduced in size or resources. 4) lose or cause to lose power; stop functioning. 5) gradually deteriorate. Main Entry: ↑run …   English terms dictionary

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