run back

run back
[ʹrʌnʹbæk] phr v
1. восходить (к определённому периоду)

his family line runs back to the Conquest - его род восходит к периоду норманнского завоевания

2. 1) прослеживать (до истока)

to run the rumour back to its source - найти источник этого слуха

2) (over) припоминать

to run back over the past - перебирать (в уме) всё то, что было в прошлом

3. прокрутить назад (плёнку)

run that excerpt back to the beginning and replay it in slow motion - вернитесь к началу этого эпизода и покажите его в замедленном темпе

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "run back" в других словарях:

  • run|back — «RUHN BAK», noun. 1. Football. the run made by a player who has received the ball as a result of an opponent s kick or an intercepted pass: »His 86 yard run was a record for a Rose Bowl punt runback to a touchdown (New York Times). 2. the area… …   Useful english dictionary

  • run back — v. (D; intr.) to run back to (he ran back to his room) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • run back over something — ˌrun back ˈover sth derived to discuss or consider sth again Syn: ↑review • I ll run back over the procedure once again. Main entry: ↑runderived …   Useful english dictionary

  • run back — verb a) To take someone home by car. Give someone a lift to their house. If you can wait a couple of minutes, Ill run you back. b) To rewind a film or cassette Can you run it back to the beginning, please? …   Wiktionary

  • run-back — …   Useful english dictionary

  • run — [run] vi. ran or Dial. run, run, running [altered (with vowel prob. infl. by pp.) < ME rinnen, rennen < ON & OE: ON rinna, to flow, run, renna, to cause to run (< Gmc * rannjan); OE rinnan, iornan: both < Gmc * renwo < IE base * er …   English World dictionary

  • Back in the U.S. — Back in the U.S. Live par Paul McCartney Sortie 11 novembre 2002 Enregistrement …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Back in the World — Live par Paul McCartney Sortie 17 mars 2003 Enregistrement Du 1er avril au 18 mai, et 17 novembre 2002 Durée 2 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Back In The World — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Back In The World fue una gira europea de Paul McCartney en 2003, la primera en diez años y donde interpretó tanto canciones de The Beatles, Wings como de su carrera solista. Tuvo invitados especiales, como por… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Back Creek (Conococheague Creek) — Back Creek is a tributary of Conococheague Creek in south central Pennsylvania in the United States.The uppermost reaches of the creek are known as Rocky Spring Run .Back Creek joins Conococheague Creek approximately 0.33 miles (0.5 km) below… …   Wikipedia

  • back down — Synonyms and related words: abjure, back off, back out, backpedal, backtrack, backwater, balance, balk, beat a retreat, beg off, break off combat, cave in, cease resistance, climb down, crawfish out, cry off, debate, deliberate, demur, deny,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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