bang about

bang about
[ʹbæŋəʹbaʋt] phr v

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "bang about" в других словарях:

  • bang about — ˌbang aˈbout/aˈround derived to move around noisily • We could hear the kids banging around upstairs. Main entry: ↑bangderived …   Useful english dictionary

  • bang about — verb To make a lot of percussive noise while doing an activity. Syn: bang around …   Wiktionary

  • bang about — v. make much noise about something …   English contemporary dictionary

  • bang — bang1 S3 [bæŋ] n 1.) a sudden loud noise caused by something such as a gun or an object hitting a hard surface ▪ There was a loud bang outside the kitchen door. 2.) a painful blow to the body when you hit against something or something hits you …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • bang around — verb To make a lot of percussive noise while doing an activity. Syn: bang about …   Wiktionary

  • Bang Bang (Dublin) — Bang Bang (real name is believed to be Thomas Dudley) was an eccentric elderly gentleman in Dublin in the 1950s and 1960s who achieved fame as a character in the city. A fan of cowboy films, Bang Bang used to travel the buses and trams of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Bang Bang, It's Reeves and Mortimer — was comedy double act Vic Reeves Bob Mortimer s third television sketch show, which aired in January 1999 on BBC2 in the United Kingdom. While maintaining certain elements from The Smell of Reeves and Mortimer , the show was very different in… …   Wikipedia

  • Bang Bang Machine — were a cult indie band from Evesham, Worcestershire in England. They formed in 1989 and split up in 1996 after record company troubles.The band experimented with different styles of music, for which reason the media found them hard to categorise …   Wikipedia

  • bang — ► NOUN 1) a sudden loud sharp noise. 2) a sudden painful blow. 3) (bangs) chiefly N. Amer. a fringe of hair cut straight across the forehead. ► VERB 1) strike or put down forcefully and noisily. 2) make or cause to make a bang …   English terms dictionary

  • Bang Bus — logo Bang Bus is a reality porn website that is part of the Bang Bros network run by Kristopher Hinson and Penn Davis s company, Ox Ideas. The two are friends who attended school together.[1] Greg Entner (known as Sanchez or Dirty Sanchez )… …   Wikipedia

  • bang on about — [phrasal verb] bang on about (something) Brit, informal : to talk about (something) repeatedly or for a long time She s always banging on about [=going on about] the importance of a good diet. • • • Main Entry: ↑bang …   Useful english dictionary

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