
[ʹpɜ:s(ə)nıdʒ] n
1. выдающаяся личность; (важная) персона

he soon became a personage - он скоро стал важной персоной

2. человек, особа

helpful personage - полезный человек

a very disgusting personage - отвратительная личность

3. персонаж, действующее лицо

the most interesting personage in this story - самый интересный персонаж в этой повести

a play with only three personages - пьеса, в которой только три действующих лица

to represent the personage of smb. - играть роль кого-л. (тж. перен.)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "personage" в других словарях:

  • Personage — Per son*age (p[ e]r s[u^]n*[als]j: 48), n. [F. personnage.] 1. Form, appearance, or belongings of a person; the external appearance, stature, figure, air, and the like, of a person. In personage stately. Hayward. [1913 Webster] The damsel well… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • personage — personage, personality A personage is ‘a person of distinction or high rank’, and is sometimes applied with irony or humour to someone who is self important rather than important: • No longer was I a nondescript of the slums; now I was a… …   Modern English usage

  • personage — mid 15c., body of a person (with regard to appearance), from O.Fr. personage (13c.), from M.L. personaticum (11c.), from persona (see PERSON (Cf. person)). Meaning a person of high rank or distinction is attested from c.1500; as a longer way to… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Personage — (franz., spr. āsch ), soviel wie Person, Persönlichkeit, gewöhnlich mit spöttischem Nebensinn …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • personage — index body (person), character (an individual), individual, person Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • personage — / personality [n/n2] celebrity, notable big shot*, bigwig*, brass*, celeb*, chief, cynosure, dignitary, distinguished person, eminence, face*, hot shot*, individual, luminary, monster*, name*, public figure, somebody, star, superstar, top dog*,… …   New thesaurus

  • personage — ► NOUN ▪ a person (used to express their importance or elevated status). ORIGIN Old French, reinforced by Latin personagium effigy …   English terms dictionary

  • personage — [pʉr′sə nij] n. [MFr: see PERSON & AGE] 1. a person of importance or distinction; notable 2. any person 3. a character in history, a play, a novel, etc …   English World dictionary

  • personage — [[t]pɜ͟ː(r)sənɪʤ[/t]] personages 1) N COUNT A personage is a famous or important person. [FORMAL] ...MPs, film stars and other important personages. Syn: person 2) N COUNT A personage is a character in a play or book, or in history. [FORMAL]… …   English dictionary

  • personage — UK [ˈpɜː(r)s(ə)nɪdʒ] / US [ˈpɜrs(ə)nɪdʒ] noun [countable] Word forms personage : singular personage plural personages formal 1) an important or famous person 2) someone in a book, play, or film, or in history …   English dictionary

  • personage — noun A famous or important person. I can only say they have been in pretty close conversation several times of late, and, if I dared to think it of so very calm and dignified a personage, I should say that her color was a little heightened after… …   Wiktionary

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