- peace campaign
- [ʹpi:skæmʹpeın]
кампания по борьбе за мир
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament — CND redirects here. For other uses, see CND (disambiguation). The CND symbol, designed by Gerald Holtom in 1958. It later became a universal peace symbol used in many different versions worldwide.[1] … Wikipedia
Peace Journalism — Peace Media , Conflict Resolving Media , Conflict Sensitive Journalism , Conflict Solution Journalism , Reporting the World , Constructive Conflict Coverage, and Peacebuilding Media redirect here. A comparison of peace journalism and war… … Wikipedia
Campaign against Dong Zhuo — Part of the wars of the Three Kingdoms A mural in Fragrant Hills depicting the famous joust … Wikipedia
Campaign Against Arms Trade — (CAAT) is a UK based NGO and campaigning organisation working towards the abolition of the international arms trade. Founded in 1974 by a broad coalition of peace groups, CAAT is united in opposition to the military industrial complex and the… … Wikipedia
Peace Corps — logo (1961) Agency overview Formed March 21, 1961 Headquarters Washington, D.C … Wikipedia
Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases — is a UK grassroots campaign which evolved out of a long protest campaign against the American spybase Menwith Hill near Harrogate, North Yorkshire in 1992. It is part of an effort to bring public scrutiny and accountability to US military bases… … Wikipedia
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (NZ) — Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND(NZ)) was co founded in Christchurch New Zealand in 1959 with the help of Elsie Locke and Mary Woodward. [Elsie Locke, Peace People: A History of Peace Activities in New Zealand, p. 164] Mabel Hetherington,… … Wikipedia
Peace through strength — is the doctrine that military strength is a primary or necessary component of peace. It is also the meaning behind the olive branch and live oak branches within the seal of the state of Texas and of the Republic of Texas. This is sometimes taken… … Wikipedia
Campaign — Pays Royaume Uni Langue Anglais Genre Histoire militair … Wikipédia en Français
Peace Oil — is an initiative of the Charities Advisory Trust [ [http://www.charitiesadvisorytrust.org.uk/ Charities Advisory Trust] ] , a UK based registered charity, lead by Hilary Blume [ [http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2004/dec/08/charityfinance.guardia… … Wikipedia
Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran — (CASMII) is a group of people, especially academics, students and professionals of both Iranian and non Iranian backgrounds whose aim is to advocate against war and sanctions, especially as they pertain to current United States Iran relations.… … Wikipedia