- australoid
- 1. [ʹɒstrəlɔıd] n этн.
австралоид, абориген Австралии или прилегающих островов2. [ʹɒstrəlɔıd] a этн.австралоидный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
australoid — AUSTRALOÍD, Ă, australoizi, de, s.m. şi f., adj. 1. s.m. şi f. (La pl.) Populaţie negroidă din Australia şi Oceania; (şi la sg.) persoană din această populaţie. 2. adj. Care aparţine australoizilor (1), privitor la australoizi. [pr.: a us ] – Din … Dicționar Român
Australoid — [ôs′trə loid΄] adj. [ AUSTRAL(IA) + OID] designating or of one of the major geographical varieties of human beings, including the Australian Aborigines, the Veddas of Sri Lanka, possibly the Ainu, etc., who are generally characterized by dark… … English World dictionary
Australoid — The Australoid race is a broad racial classification. The concept s existence is based on the typological method of racial classification. [O Neil, Dennis. Biological Anthropology Terms. 2006. May 13, 2007. Palomar College. [http://anthro.palomar … Wikipedia
Australoid — [ ɒstrəlɔɪd, ɔ: ] adjective relating to or denoting the broad division of humankind represented by Australian Aboriginal peoples. noun an Australoid person. Usage The term Australoid belongs to a set of terms introduced by 19th century… … English new terms dictionary
Australoid — adjective Etymology: Australia + English oid Date: 1864 in some classifications of or relating to a racial group including the Australian aborigines and other peoples of southern Asia and Pacific islands • Australoid noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
Australoid — /ˈɒstrəlɔɪd / (say ostruhloyd) adjective 1. Ethnology of or relating to an ethnic classification of humankind which includes the Australian Aboriginal people and certain peoples of Asia and the Pacific islands. –noun 2. a person having the… …
Australoid — /aw streuh loyd /, n. 1. Anthropol. a descriptive category including principally the Australian Aborigines and sometimes including Papuans, Melanesians, various small statured peoples, as Negritos, of the Philippines, Malay Peninsula, and Andaman … Universalium
Australoid — adjective A member of the racial classification that includes Veddahs, Negritos, New Guineans, Melanesians, Micronesians and Australian aborigines … Wiktionary
australoid — ◆ aus|tra|lo|id 〈Adj.〉 den Australiden ähnlich [→ austral] ◆ Die Buchstabenfolge aus|tr... kann in Fremdwörtern auch aust|r... getrennt werden. * * * aus|tra|lo|id <Adj.> [zu griech. oeide̅s = ähnlich]: den Australiden zugehörige Merkmale… … Universal-Lexikon
australoíd — s. m., adj. m. (sil. a us ), pl. australoízi; f. sg. australoídã, g. d. art. australoídei, pl. australoíde … Romanian orthography
australoid — ◆ aus|tra|lo|id 〈Adj.〉 den Australiden ähnlich [Etym.: → austral] ◆ Die Buchstabenfolge aus|tr… kann auch aust|r… getrennt werden. Davon ausgenommen sind Zusammensetzungen, in denen die fremdsprachigen bzw. sprachhistorischen Bestandteile… … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch