- australianism
- [ɒʹstreılıənız(ə)m] n
1. лингв. австрализм (в английском языке)2. австралийский шовинизм3. поведение, характер типичного австралийца
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Australianism — may refer to: * A word or phrase considered typical of Australian English. * An attitude or conviction which gives special importance to the nation or culture of Australia * Anything, such as a custom, particular to or characteristic of an… … Wikipedia
Australianism — noun Date: 1883 a characteristic feature of Australian English … New Collegiate Dictionary
Australianism — noun a word or phrase only used in Australia, or having a special meaning there See Also: Australianist … Wiktionary
australianism — aus·tra·lian·ism … English syllables
Australianism — Aus•tral•ian•ism [[t]ɔˈstreɪl yəˌnɪz əm[/t]] n. a language feature characteristic of or peculiar to Australian English • Etymology: 1890–1900 … From formal English to slang
Australianism — /əsˈtreɪljənɪzəm/ (say uhs traylyuhnizuhm), /ɒs / (say os ) noun a word or phrase originating in or peculiar to Australia …
australianism — ˌnizəm noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized 1. : a characteristic feature of Australian English especially as contrasted with British English 2. : patriotic or partisan feeling for Australia … Useful english dictionary
Anglicism — An anglicism, as most often defined, is a word borrowed from English into another language. Speakers of the recipient language usually consider an anglicism to be substandard or undesirable (as a form of language contamination). Anglicism also… … Wikipedia
Flying Fox (disambiguation) — Flying Fox can refer to: *Bats of the Genus Pteropus / megabat. *The epalzeorhynchus kallopterus , a tropical species of fish. *An Australianism for Zip line. * Flying Fox 1899 Triple Crown Champion of British Thoroughbred Racing * Flying Foxes… … Wikipedia
The Back of Beyond — Infobox Film name = The Back of Beyond image size = caption = director = John Heyer producer = John Heyer writer = John Heyer, Janet Heyer, Douglas Stewart starring = Tom Kruse, William Butler, Jack the Dogger, Old Joe the Rainmaker, the… … Wikipedia
List of belief systems — Below are words that designate a set or subset of beliefs. This includes dispositional beliefs.Many, but not all, of these words end with the suffix –ism . Words like magnetism , prism , and schism , are not included, because they do not… … Wikipedia