- minor tranquilizer
- [͵maınəʹtræŋkwılaızə] мед.
лёгкий, малый, слабый транквилизатор
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Minor tranquilizer — Anxiolytikum bedeutet wörtlich Angstlöser. Synonym verwendet werden die Begriffe Ataraktikum („Beruhigungsmittel“) oder minor tranquilizer (engl. für „schwaches Beruhigungsmittel“). Es beschreibt Medikamente, die Ängste verringern. Die meisten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
minor tranquilizer — noun a tranquilizer used to relieve anxiety and reduce tension and irritability • Syn: ↑minor tranquillizer, ↑minor tranquilliser, ↑antianxiety drug, ↑anxiolytic, ↑anxiolytic drug • Derivationally related forms: ↑anxiolytic ( … Useful english dictionary
minor tranquilizer — Pharm. See antianxiety drug. [1965 70] * * * … Universalium
minor tranquilizer — antianxiety agent … Medical dictionary
minor tranquilliser — noun a tranquilizer used to relieve anxiety and reduce tension and irritability • Syn: ↑minor tranquilizer, ↑minor tranquillizer, ↑antianxiety drug, ↑anxiolytic, ↑anxiolytic drug • Derivationally related forms: ↑anxiolytic ( … Useful english dictionary
minor tranquillizer — noun a tranquilizer used to relieve anxiety and reduce tension and irritability • Syn: ↑minor tranquilizer, ↑minor tranquilliser, ↑antianxiety drug, ↑anxiolytic, ↑anxiolytic drug • Derivationally related forms: ↑anxiolytic ( … Useful english dictionary
tranquilizer — noun a drug used to reduce stress or tension without reducing mental clarity (Freq. 3) • Syn: ↑tranquillizer, ↑tranquilliser, ↑antianxiety agent, ↑ataractic drug, ↑ataractic agent, ↑ataractic • Derivationall … Useful english dictionary
tranquilizer — /trang kweuh luy zeuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that tranquilizes. 2. a drug that has a sedative or calming effect without inducing sleep. 3. See antianxiety drug. 4. antipsychotic (def. 2). Also, tranquillizer. [1790 1800; TRANQUILIZE + ER1] *… … Universalium
Tranquilizer — In pharmacology, a drug that calms and relieves anxiety. The first tranquilizer, chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride (brand name: Librium) received FDA approval in 1960. Tranquillizers range in potency from mild to major, with increasing levels of… … Medical dictionary
List of hero and minor characters in A.T.O.M. — This is a list of hero and minor non villain characters from the animated television series A.T.O.M. . =Alpha Team=AxelAxel Manning is the leader of A.T.O.M., and a master of the Jo Lan martial art. Jo Lan combines the body and mind, allowing… … Wikipedia
List of minor Star Wars bounty hunters — This article is about minor characters in the fictional Star Wars universe who are bounty hunters.Mol ArcasiteMol Arcasite is a bounty hunter in the Star Wars novel, The Trail of the Jedi , part of a Star Wars book series. Mol Arcarsite is… … Wikipedia