- ascians
- [ʹæʃıənz] n pl
аскии (обитатели зоны экватора)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Ascians — inhabitants of the torrid zone, who haue the Sunne twice euery yeere in their zenith, and then they make no shaddowes at all [Nathanael Carpenter, Geographie Delineated forth in Two Bookes, 1635], from M.L. Ascii, from Gk. askioi, from a not,… … Etymology dictionary
Ascians — Ascii As ci*i, Ascians As cians, n. pl. [L. ascii, pl. of ascius, Gr. ? without shadow; a priv. + ? shadow.] Persons who, at certain times of the year, have no shadow at noon; applied to the inhabitants of the torrid zone, who have, twice a year … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ascians — n. member of the Ascii (people who live in the tropics where for a few days out of the year the sun stands directly overhead at noon and therefore casts no shadows) … English contemporary dictionary
Ascians — … Useful english dictionary
Ascian language — The The word Ascian >Ascian Language is a fictional language invented by Gene Wolfe for his fantasy series The Book of the New Sun .Gene Wolfe: The Book of the New Sun, Volume 4 (The Citadel of the Autarch), ISBN 1 85798 700 4] The language is… … Wikipedia
Finder (comics) — Infobox comic strip title= Finder caption= author= Carla Speed McNeil url= http://www.lightspeedpress.com/ rss= http://www.lightspeedpress.com/latest.php atom= status= first= last= syndicate= publisher= genre= Science fiction rating= preceded by … Wikipedia
Ascii — As ci*i, Ascians As cians, n. pl. [L. ascii, pl. of ascius, Gr. ? without shadow; a priv. + ? shadow.] Persons who, at certain times of the year, have no shadow at noon; applied to the inhabitants of the torrid zone, who have, twice a year, a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lilin — The lilin or lilim (singular lili ) are dangerous creatures of Jewish folklore. According to some stories, they are the daughters of Lilith, Adam s first wife, by the demon Samael,Fact|date=March 2007 often identified with Satan. They are demons … Wikipedia