- asci
- [ʹæskaı] pl от ascus
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
ASCI — might be:* Asci (the spore bearing containers produced in the ascocarps of ascomycete fungi), or * an acronym or abbreviation for ** Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative ** American Society for Clinical Investigation ** Adventure Sports… … Wikipedia
ASCI — steht für: die Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative, ein Programm der US Regierung die Advanced School for Computing and Imaging, eine akademische Lehranstalt in den Niederlanden die Advanced Speech Call Items, eine Gruppe von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Asci — As ci, n. pl. See {Ascus}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ASCI — sigla Associazione Scoutistica Cattolica Italiana … Dizionario italiano
asci — [as′ī΄] n. pl. of ASCUS … English World dictionary
ASCI — Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative; acute spinal cord injury; American Society for Clinical Investigation; automated stress relaxation and creep indentation * * * asci pl of ASCUS * * * American Society for Clinical Investigation … Medical dictionary
aşçı — is. 1) Yemek pişirmeyi meslek edinen kimse 2) Yemek pişirip satan kimse 3) hlk. Yemek yenilen dükkân, aşevi, lokanta Birleşik Sözler aşçı baltası aşçıbaşı … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
ASCI Red — or ASCI Option Red, was a supercomputer installed at Sandia National Laboratories, located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. ASCI Red became operational in 1997 and was retired from service in September, 2005. It was the fastest computer on the TOP500… … Wikipedia
ASCI Red — ASCI Red, auch ASCI Option Red oder Janus, war ein seit 1997 in den Sandia National Laboratories installierter Supercomputer. Zwischen Juni 1997 und Juni 2000 führte er die TOP500 Liste der schnellsten Computersysteme an. ASCI Red wurde im… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ASCI White — was a supercomputer at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California.It was a computer cluster based on IBM s commercial RS/6000 SP computer. 512 of these machines were connected together for ASCI White, with 16 processors per node and … Wikipedia
ASCI Blue Mountain — is a supercomputer that is installed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico. The computer was a collaboration between Silicon Graphics Corporation and Los Alamos Lab. It was installed in 1999. It is a cluster of ccNUMA… … Wikipedia