Смотреть что такое "mesquit" в других словарях:
Mesquit — Mesquite Mes*qui te (m[e^]s*k[=e] t[asl]), Mesquit Mes*quit (m[e^]s*k[=e]t ), n. [Sp. mezquite; said to be a Mexican Indian word.] (Bot.) Aany of several small spiny trees or shrubs of the southwestern part of North America belonging to the genus … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mesquit — mes·quit … English syllables
mesquit — noun any of several small spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Prosopis having small flowers in axillary cylindrical spikes followed by large pods rich in sugar • Syn: ↑mesquite • Hypernyms: ↑shrub, ↑bush • Hyponyms: ↑honey mesquite, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Bouteloua oligostachya — Mesquite Mes*qui te (m[e^]s*k[=e] t[asl]), Mesquit Mes*quit (m[e^]s*k[=e]t ), n. [Sp. mezquite; said to be a Mexican Indian word.] (Bot.) Aany of several small spiny trees or shrubs of the southwestern part of North America belonging to the genus … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
grama grass — Mesquite Mes*qui te (m[e^]s*k[=e] t[asl]), Mesquit Mes*quit (m[e^]s*k[=e]t ), n. [Sp. mezquite; said to be a Mexican Indian word.] (Bot.) Aany of several small spiny trees or shrubs of the southwestern part of North America belonging to the genus … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Honey mesquite — Mesquite Mes*qui te (m[e^]s*k[=e] t[asl]), Mesquit Mes*quit (m[e^]s*k[=e]t ), n. [Sp. mezquite; said to be a Mexican Indian word.] (Bot.) Aany of several small spiny trees or shrubs of the southwestern part of North America belonging to the genus … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
honey mesquite — Mesquite Mes*qui te (m[e^]s*k[=e] t[asl]), Mesquit Mes*quit (m[e^]s*k[=e]t ), n. [Sp. mezquite; said to be a Mexican Indian word.] (Bot.) Aany of several small spiny trees or shrubs of the southwestern part of North America belonging to the genus … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mesquite — Mes*qui te (m[e^]s*k[=e] t[asl]), Mesquit Mes*quit (m[e^]s*k[=e]t ), n. [Sp. mezquite; said to be a Mexican Indian word.] (Bot.) Aany of several small spiny trees or shrubs of the southwestern part of North America belonging to the genus… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mesquite grass — Mesquite Mes*qui te (m[e^]s*k[=e] t[asl]), Mesquit Mes*quit (m[e^]s*k[=e]t ), n. [Sp. mezquite; said to be a Mexican Indian word.] (Bot.) Aany of several small spiny trees or shrubs of the southwestern part of North America belonging to the genus … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
muskit grass — Mesquite Mes*qui te (m[e^]s*k[=e] t[asl]), Mesquit Mes*quit (m[e^]s*k[=e]t ), n. [Sp. mezquite; said to be a Mexican Indian word.] (Bot.) Aany of several small spiny trees or shrubs of the southwestern part of North America belonging to the genus … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Prosopis pubescens — Mesquite Mes*qui te (m[e^]s*k[=e] t[asl]), Mesquit Mes*quit (m[e^]s*k[=e]t ), n. [Sp. mezquite; said to be a Mexican Indian word.] (Bot.) Aany of several small spiny trees or shrubs of the southwestern part of North America belonging to the genus … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English