- mesozoic
- [͵mezə(ʋ)ʹzəʋık] a геол.
Mesozoic era - мезозойская эра
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Mesozoic era - мезозойская эра
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Mesozoic — era 251 65.5 million years ago Key events in the Mesozoic view • edit … Wikipedia
Mesozoic — [mes΄ə zō′ik, mez΄ə zō′ik] adj. [ MESO + ZO + IC] [sometimes m ] designating or of the middle geologic era of the Phanerozoic Eon, subdivided into the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods and characterized by the development and extinction… … English World dictionary
Mesozoic — Mes o*zo ic, n. The Mesozoic age or formation. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mesozoic — Mes o*zo ic, a. [Meso + Gr. ? life, fr. ? to live.] (Geol.) Belonging, or relating, to the secondary or reptilian age, or the era between the Paleozoic and Cenozoic. See Chart of {Geology}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mesozoic — 1840, from Gk. mesos middle (see MESO (Cf. meso )) + zoe life (see ZOO (Cf. zoo)) + ic. Name coined by British geologist John Phillips for the fossil era between the Paleozoic and the Cenozoic … Etymology dictionary
Mesozoic — ► ADJECTIVE Geology ▪ relating to the era between the Palaeozoic and Cenozoic eras, about 245 to 65 million years ago, with evidence of the first mammals, birds, and flowering plants. ORIGIN from Greek mesos middle + z ion animal … English terms dictionary
Mesozoic — adjective Date: 1840 of, relating to, or being an era of geological history comprising the interval between the Permian and the Tertiary or the corresponding system of rocks that was marked by the presence of dinosaurs, marine and flying reptiles … New Collegiate Dictionary
Mesozoic — /mez euh zoh ik, mes , mee zeuh , seuh /, Geol. adj. 1. noting or pertaining to an era occurring between 230 and 65 million years ago, characterized by the appearance of flowering plants and by the appearance and extinction of dinosaurs. See… … Universalium
Mesozoic — 1. adjective Of a geologic era within the Phanerozoic eon that comprises the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods from about 230 to 65 million years ago, when life on earth was dominated by reptiles. 2 … Wiktionary
Mesozoic — Mes·o·zo·ic || ‚mesəʊ zəʊɪk adj. (Geology) of the mesozoic period (middle geological period) … English contemporary dictionary
Mesozoic — Mes•o•zo•ic [[t]ˌmɛz əˈzoʊ ɪk, ˌmɛs , ˌmi zə , sə [/t]] adj. 1) gel noting or pertaining to a geologic era occurring between 230 million and 65 million years ago, characterized by the appearance of flowering plants and by dinosaurs 2) gel the… … From formal English to slang