Смотреть что такое "aroba" в других словарях:
Arōba — (Gewichik.), so v.w. Arroba … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
aroba — aròba ž DEFINICIJA zast. španjolska mjera za tekućine i zapremine ETIMOLOGIJA šp. ← arap. al rub̔: četvrti dio … Hrvatski jezični portal
aroba — Araba A*ra ba, n. [Written also {aroba} and {arba}.] [Ar. or Turk. arabah: cf. Russ. arba.] A wagon or cart, usually heavy and without springs, and often covered. [Oriental] [1913 Webster] The araba of the Turks has its sides of latticework to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
aroba — variant of araba * * * aroba var. araba … Useful english dictionary
Araba — A*ra ba, n. [Written also {aroba} and {arba}.] [Ar. or Turk. arabah: cf. Russ. arba.] A wagon or cart, usually heavy and without springs, and often covered. [Oriental] [1913 Webster] The araba of the Turks has its sides of latticework to admit… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
arba — Araba A*ra ba, n. [Written also {aroba} and {arba}.] [Ar. or Turk. arabah: cf. Russ. arba.] A wagon or cart, usually heavy and without springs, and often covered. [Oriental] [1913 Webster] The araba of the Turks has its sides of latticework to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Araba — may refer to one of the following places:*Álava, a province in northern Spain *Arabah, a section of the Great Rift Valley *Arraba, an Arab Israeli town in Israel *Arrabah, a Palestinian village in the West Bank * araba, a carriage (such as a cab… … Wikipedia
Coach (carriage) — The Gold State Coach of the British monarch A coach was originally a large, usually closed, four wheeled carriage with two or more horses harnessed as a team, controlled by a coachman and/or one or more postilions. It had doors in the sides, with … Wikipedia
Araba (carriage) — An araba (from Arabic: عربة; araba ) (also arba or aroba) is a carriage (such as a cab or coach), wagon or cart drawn by horses or oxen, used in Turkey and neighboring Middle Eastern countries. It is usually heavy and without springs, and often… … Wikipedia
Cabriolet (carriage) — A cabriolet is a light, two wheeled carriage drawn by a single horse, with a folding hood, seating two people facing forward, one of whom is the driver. [ [ is a cabriolet.htm What is a Cabriolet?] wiseGEEK.] It has a… … Wikipedia
Chile [1] — Chile (Chili, spr. Tschile, Geogr. u. Statist.), Republik an der Westküste von Südamerika (ehemals spanisches Gebiet unter dem Namen Nueva Estremadura, dann spanisches Generalcapitanat Ch.), erstreckt sich als ein schmaler Küstenstrich vom 24°15… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon