- aroar
- [əʹrɔ:] a predic
с рёвом
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
aroar — əˈ adjective Etymology: a (I) + roar, v. : roaring … Useful english dictionary
Almighty — Al*might y ([add]l*m[imac]t [y^]), a. [AS. ealmihtig, [ae]lmihtig; eal (OE. al) all + mihtig mighty.] 1. Unlimited in might; omnipotent; all powerful; irresistible. [1913 Webster] I am the Almighty God. Gen. xvii. 1. [1913 Webster] 2. Great;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fix — Fix, n. 1. A position of difficulty or embarassment; predicament; dilemma. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] Is he not living, then? No. is he dead, then? No, nor dead either. Poor Aroar can not live, and can not die, so that he is in an almighty fix. De… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
The Almighty — Almighty Al*might y ([add]l*m[imac]t [y^]), a. [AS. ealmihtig, [ae]lmihtig; eal (OE. al) all + mihtig mighty.] 1. Unlimited in might; omnipotent; all powerful; irresistible. [1913 Webster] I am the Almighty God. Gen. xvii. 1. [1913 Webster] 2.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
saturnalia — noun /ˌsætəˈneɪliə,ˌsætɚˈneɪliə,ˌsætɚˈneɪljə/ A period or occasion of general license, in which the passions or vices have riotous indulgence; a period of unrestrained revelry. 2001. We advanced into the main hall, already aroar with a saturnalia … Wiktionary
a|roar — «uh RR», adjective, adverb. roaring: »The papers leap forth from the presses aroar (Ogden Nash) … Useful english dictionary