- archaeoastronomy
- [͵ɑ:kıəʋəʹstrɒnəmı] n
1. археоастрономия, античная астрономия2. история древней астрономии
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Archaeoastronomy — (also spelled archeoastronomy) is the study of how peoples in the past have understood the phenomena in the sky, how they used phenomena in the sky and what role the sky played in their cultures. [Sinclair 2006:13] Clive Ruggles argues it… … Wikipedia
archaeoastronomy — (n.) 1971, from ARCHAEO (Cf. archaeo ) + ASTRONOMY (Cf. astronomy) … Etymology dictionary
archaeoastronomy — [är΄kē ō ə strän′ə mē] n. the scientific study of archaeological artifacts, sites, etc. to determine the astronomical knowledge of ancient, esp. prehistoric, peoples and what they believed about the sun, moon, etc. archaeoastronomer [är΄kē ō e… … English World dictionary
Archaeoastronomy and Vedic chronology — Hindu archaeoastronomical dating of the Vedic period or Hindu Time Cycles, are based on early references to astronomy in Vedic scriptures. HistoryThe chronology of Indian history and literature prior to the Middle Ages is notoriously uncertain,… … Wikipedia
Archaeoastronomy and Stonehenge — The prehistoric monument of Stonehenge has long been studied for its possible connections with ancient astronomy. Archaeoastronomers have claimed that Stonehenge represents an ancient observatory, although the extent of its use for that purpose… … Wikipedia
archaeoastronomy — noun Date: 1971 the study of the astronomy of ancient cultures … New Collegiate Dictionary
archaeoastronomy — archaeoastronomer, n. archaeoastronomical /ahr kee oh as treuh nom i keuhl/, adj. /ahr kee oh euh stron euh mee/, n. the branch of archaeology that deals with the apparent use by prehistoric civilizations of astronomical techniques to establish… … Universalium
archaeoastronomy — ar·chaeo·astronomy … English syllables
archaeoastronomy — … Useful english dictionary
megalithic astronomy — archaeoastronomy. * * * … Universalium
megalithic astronomy — archaeoastronomy … Useful english dictionary