- archaeoastronomer
- [͵ɑ:kıəʋəʹstrɒnəmə] n
древний астроном; астроном времён античности
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
archaeoastronomer — See archaeoastronomy. * * * … Universalium
archaeoastronomer — noun An astronomer whose speciality is archaeoastronomy … Wiktionary
archaeoastronomer — ar·chaeo·astronomer … English syllables
archaeoastronomer — noun see archaeoastronomy … Useful english dictionary
archaeoastronomy — archaeoastronomer, n. archaeoastronomical /ahr kee oh as treuh nom i keuhl/, adj. /ahr kee oh euh stron euh mee/, n. the branch of archaeology that deals with the apparent use by prehistoric civilizations of astronomical techniques to establish… … Universalium
Archaeoastronomy — (also spelled archeoastronomy) is the study of how peoples in the past have understood the phenomena in the sky, how they used phenomena in the sky and what role the sky played in their cultures. [Sinclair 2006:13] Clive Ruggles argues it… … Wikipedia
archaeoastronomical — See archaeoastronomer. * * * … Universalium
Anthropology and Archaeology — ▪ 2009 Introduction Anthropology Among the key developments in 2008 in the field of physical anthropology was the discovery by a large interdisciplinary team of Spanish and American scientists in northern Spain of a partial mandible (lower… … Universalium
2012 phenomenon — Part of a series on … Wikipedia
Meanings of minor planet names: 4501–5000 — As minor planet discoveries are confirmed, they are given a permanent number by the IAU s Minor Planet Center, and the discoverers can then submit names for them, following the IAU s naming conventions. The list below concerns those minor planets … Wikipedia
Meanings of minor planet names: 90001–91000 — As minor planet discoveries are confirmed, they are given a permanent number by the IAU s Minor Planet Center, and the discoverers can then submit names for them, following the IAU s naming conventions. The list below concerns those minor planets … Wikipedia